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Напиток Arizona Fruit Punch – это потрясающе освежающий фруктовый коктейль!
Всем кто следит за своим здоровьем и натуральностью продуктов на вашем столе, несомненно подойдет этот напиток! Ведь он не содержит ни консервантов, ни искусственных красителей!
Это смесь натуральных соков разных фруктов в одной алюминиевой банке! Пришедший к нам из Америки, Напиток Arizona Fruit Punch набирает популярность семимильными шагами!
Ведь его вкус по-настоящему насыщенный и яркий! Фонтан идей, эмоций и вкусовых приключений вам обеспечен, если вы выпьете эту баночку!
Состав: вода, прошедшая тройную фильтрацию, кукурузный сироп с высоким содержанием фруктозы, грушевый сок, пюре из манго, лимонная кислота, ананасовый сок, натуральные ароматизаторы, овощной сок (для цвета), клубничный сок, аскорбиновая кислота (витамин C), вишневый сок, гуммиарабик, эмульгатор.
Чай AriZona – это освежающий холодный напиток с огромным многообразием вкусов. У него есть масса особенностей, которые наверняка оценят настоящие гурманы:
- Продукт изготовлен на основе натурального чая;
- В нем содержатся природные экстракты, соки фруктов и ягод, витамин С;
- Напиток легко и быстро утоляет жажду;
- Чай отличается пониженной калорийностью.
Arizona Tea практически не содержит консервантов, красителей и прочих неполезных добавок. Продукт не является диетическим, однако сахар в него добавляется в минимальных количествах. Есть даже напитки с нулевой калорийностью, подходящие для диабетиков.
Разнообразие необыкновенных вкусов
Главная отличительная особенность напитков бренда – оригинальный состав, идеально подходящий для утоления жажды. На 90% чай состоит из натуральных веществ, чего нельзя сказать о продукции многих других производителей. При изготовлении используется фильтрованная вода и кукурузный сироп.
- Фруктового пунша;
- Арбуза;
- Черники;
- Меда;
- Граната;
- Персика;
- Ванильного крема;
- Огурца;
- Вишни и многими другими.
Напитки выпускаются в виде зеленого и черного холодного чая, лимонада, содовой, коктейля. Каждый вариант имеет мягкий аромат и приятное послевкусие, любой из них можно употреблять и в теплом виде.
У нас вы найдете низкокалорийный напиток с виноградным привкусом, удивительным вкусом манго, бодрящим клубничным ароматом. Чай-сок с оттенком цитруса поможет взбодриться, а лимонный чай просто незаменим в жаркую погоду. Яркий дизайн банки в полной мере соответствует необыкновенному вкусу ее содержимого.
Весь ассортимент сертифицирован, имеет русифицированные наклейки с составом. Для оптовиков предоставляется полный пакет документов!
Получайте первыми информацию о наших новых продуктах, специальных предложениях и акциях.
Холодный чай Arizona отличается огромным разнообразием видов. Освежающие напитки рекомендуется употреблять в охлажденном виде для полного раскрытия вкусовых качеств.
Изготовление из натуральных продуктов – на 90%.
Отсутствие консервантов, красителей и др. добавок.
Содержание природных экстрактов ягод и фруктов.
Наличие аскорбиновой кислоты и низкая калорийность.
Холодные чаи Arizona не содержат много сахара, предусмотрен вариант для диабетиков. Каждый вкус отличается особым ароматом и уникальным послевкусием. Дизайн банки в полной мере отражает вкус содержимого, а сама упаковка сохраняет уникальные свойства напитков на протяжении всего срока годности.
Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey ingredients
One of the bestselling beverages of Arizona Beverage Company is its green tea with ginseng and honey. It is one of the classic products of this company.
This green tea with ginseng and honey is a 100% natural product with no added flavors or colors. However, only cane sugar is present to add sweetness. Both iced and hot Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey are available in the market.
Why is ginseng beneficial?
Ginseng is the root of plants that come under the genus Panax. It is in use for its medicinal value since ancient times. Ginseng helps to boost immunity, benefits brain functioning and reduces inflammation.
Moreover, it has potential benefits against cancer. In addition, ginseng helps to remove tiredness by increasing energy levels and helps to maintain blood sugar levels. All the health-related benefits are present in this green tea with ginseng and honey.
Why is honey beneficial?
Honey is also one of the most vital things that is put into Arizona green tea. Honey prevents the human body from bacterial and fungal infection as it is a powerhouse of phytonutrients.
An array of plant chemicals present in honey acts as an antioxidant. It always helps to heal wounds along with digestive problems. Doctors often recommend honey for sore throat, cough, and cold. Drinking hot green tea with ginseng and honey prevents us from all the issues mentioned above.
What makes Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey popular?
The Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey is a gluten-free product. A combination of seed storage protein – prolamin and glutelin occurring naturally is called gluten. This is generally present in certain cereal grains like wheat, barley, etc.
And this gluten content may trigger celiac diseases which typically affect the small intestine. It is an autoimmune disorder whose primary symptoms are gastrointestinal disorder, chronic diarrhea, malabsorption, and loss of appetite.
This tea, with the presence of ginseng and honey, is a 100% natural product. It falls under Kosher foods (foods that comply with dietary guidelines set by traditional Jewish law).
The beverage contains loads of vitamin C, antioxidants that stimulate your brain cells stimulated. Moreover, you will find no preservatives present in this product.
So, you can say that this beverage is a highly healthy beverage. And the cane sugar present provides extra calories. So, drinking an excessive amount of this tea results in inflammation due to its sugar content.
Drinking a certain amount of Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey is good for your health. However, doctors can tell you the correct dosage and intake amount.
Brewed vs Bottled Tea
How does the nutrition and taste of AriZona Green Tea compare to making your own brewed tea at home?
Here are some key differences between pre-bottled and freshly brewed green tea:
Taste – Bottled tea like AriZona often has a sweeter, more sugary taste from added HFCS. Homebrewed tea with no sweetener has a purer, more delicate flavor.
Sugar & Calories – Pre-made bottled tea contains more added sugars and is higher in calories while homebrewed is unsweetened.
Convenience – Bottled tea is grab-and-go while brewing at home takes more time.
Cost – Bottled tea like AriZona costs around $1 per serving while homebrewed costs pennies.
Ingredients – Bottled tea has preservatives and thickeners while homemade contains only tea leaves and water.
Freshness – Brewed tea is freshest while shelf-stable bottled tea loses some flavor intensity over time after manufacture.
The choice comes down to a trade-off between convenience and optimal flavor/nutrition. For the healthiest choice, brew your own plain green tea and add sweetener sparingly as desired. But AriZona Green Tea provides a quick, inexpensive, and tasty option when you’re on the go.
What is Arizona green tea?
Camellia sinensis is the plant from where green tea is made. Green tea mainly originated in China, but now its production and packaging have flourished in East Asian countries.
First, you have to collect the fresh leaves and buds from the plant. Then it undergoes some processes like pan-frying, steaming, and drying to make the green tea.
Although people drink green tea as a beverage, it has various medicinal value. Doctors always recommend having green tea than regular tea to stay healthy.
Green tea can help to control cholesterol levels and hypertension. Thus, it prevents various heart diseases. Even green tea is great for people as a preventive measure for cancer. People consume green tea to avail themselves of weight loss benefits also.
Arizona Beverage Company or Arizona Beverages USA is one most the leading beverage company in the USA. This company manufactures beverages like ice tea, juice cocktails, energy drink, and other drinks.
The green tea this brand produces is one of the most valuable and popular items. This company manufactures green tea with ginseng and honey in both juice and tea bags.
Well, immunity growth needs to better for all people. And to do that, this green tea acts as an immunity enhancer. It makes the wall stronger, which can resist many viruses, bacteria, and other diseases from attacking our human body.
Tea bags
Is Diet Arizona Green Tea Good for You?
Arizona green tea is one of the most popular beverages among people. Both juice and tea bags are available in the market. But the juice is somehow more preferable and has the highest market value. People buy juice of this beverage from the market as it is portable to carry to anywhere.
Having this green tea provides a certain number of calories to the human body. This is because it contains a certain amount of sugar. People doing intense exercise or workout sessions can easily have normal Arizona green tea to gain lost energy.
However, people who aren’t active or exercise must constrict themselves from consuming the normal green tea of this brand. This is because of the sugar, which may be stored as fat in the human body.
Why did Arizona produce diet green tea?
Arizona beverage company looked into the high sugar intake for inactive people and took the initiative to keep them healthier. So, they brought diet this green tea to the market.
Now an inevitable question arises that what is diet Arizona green tea? Well, this is the diet adaptation of the company’s best-selling green tea. Arizona beverage company refuses to compromise with the taste and flavor of the green tea.
The primary difference between normal Arizona green tea and diet Arizona green tea is in its sugar content. The died one has zero added sugar. It has the same natural flavor and similar taste as normal green tea but without sugar. As a result, many more people indulge in having the diet one.
People who have diabetes can easily consume diet Arizona green tea as a beverage drink. It is best that diabetes patients do not consume this as it contains added sugar.
So, doctors recommend diabetic patients to have diet Arizona green tea. In addition, people working out to reduce fat can indeed have this tea.
How does Arizona green tea help in weight loss?
From the reports, it is found that diet Arizona green tea also helps in the metabolism process. And this is seen in people drinking diet Arizona green tea after having food.
Those people felt hungrier soon. So, it shows that the diet version of this green tea helps the food to digest properly comparatively in a lesser time. Therefore, a proper amount of energy is obtained after having food the tea.
Just like regular green tea, this tea also stimulates the brain cells and makes us active for work. However, compared to the Arizona green tea, the diet version supplies lesser energy. So, people can have this drink and have no fear about extra energy being stored as fat.
A warm cup of regular green tea
What is Arizona Green Tea?
Arizona Green Tea is water-based, and has the necessary amount of nutrients. There are no calories in it, plus you will not get any bad carbs or excess amount of proteins from it. It has healthy compounds like epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and EGCG.
What makes these compounds healthy? Well, Catechins are responsible for fighting the cancerous cells. It is full of antioxidants, and is of probiotic nature. It also helps in weight loss by accelerating our metabolism. The necessary amount of potassium and Vitamin C in it makes it quite preferable for drinking at any time of the day. The Arizona Green tea is available in different flavors like Georgia Peach, Mandarin Orange, and Pomegranate, etc.
HFCS Controversy
The high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in AriZona Green Tea is concerning to some health-conscious consumers trying to avoid added sugars and artificial sweeteners.
HFCS is made by converting some of the glucose in corn syrup into fructose to produce a sweeter product. It is commonly used as a sweetener in processed foods and beverages.
There is some controversy around the health effects of HFCS compared to regular sugar (sucrose). Critics argue HFCS negatively impacts metabolism and can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other problems. However, most mainstream health organizations consider HFCS and sucrose equally harmful in excess amounts. Both contain similar ratios of fructose and glucose.
That said, some consumers prefer to avoid HFCS due to the highly processed nature of the ingredient and pervasive use in Junk foods. Those concerned about their sugar consumption may want to limit beverages sweetened with HFCS like AriZona Green Tea.
AriZona Green Tea contains the following ingredients:
Brewed Green Tea – The main ingredient in AriZona Green Tea is brewed green tea made from tea leaves. Green tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols that have been linked to various health benefits.
High Fructose Corn Syrup – AriZona Green Tea is lightly sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. HFCS is a liquid sweetener that is made from corn starch. It consists of glucose and fructose.
Citric Acid – Citric acid is added to enhance tartness and act as a preservative. It occurs naturally in citrus fruits.
Natural Flavors – “Natural flavors” refers to flavorings derived from natural sources like fruits, vegetables, herbs, roots, and meat rather than artificial chemicals. The exact components do not have to be disclosed.
Sodium Citrate – Sodium citrate is used as a buffering agent and preservative. It controls acidity levels.
Potassium Sorbate – Potassium sorbate is a preservative that prevents growth of mold, yeast, and bacteria.
Ginseng Extract – AriZona Green Tea contains panax ginseng extract which is considered an adaptogen said to increase vitality.
Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is added as an antioxidant.
Honey – Some varieties of AriZona Green Tea contain honey for additional sweetness.
Carbonated Water – Select varieties are made with carbonated water to give a bubbly, soda-like texture.
Guarana Extract – Some versions include guarana extract which is a natural caffeine source.
So in summary, the main ingredients in AriZona Green Tea are brewed green tea, corn syrup, and preservatives, plus flavorings, ginseng, vitamin C, and sometimes extras like honey, carbonation, and guarana.
Is Arizona green tea good for you?
Now that you know everyone loves this brand, let us check out all the reasons that tell you why is this green tea good for you:
1. Gives energy
This green tea generally has added sugar, which gives it a good taste. Thus, consuming it naturally provides a certain amount of energy. It offers almost 70 to 80 calories of energy.
If you consume this tea during breakfast before going out for work or before a workout, it will reflect its benefits. After having this beverage in the morning, people are much fresher and steadier for their whole day’s work.
2. Contains medicinal value
Leaves and buds of the camellia Sinensis plant possess various medicinal values. That is why green tee provides various healthy compounds to the human body, which helps build immunity.
Having green tea in the morning during breakfast keeps our body active for the whole day. Drinking this regularly helps make the immunity stronger to fight off any virus, bacteria, or other diseases.
Doctors recommend having this beverage for patients suffering from COVID-19. So, now you know what makes Arizona green tea so famous!
3. Natural elements
No artificial flavours or colours; only natural elements are there in this tea. This tells you clearly why is Arizona green tea good for you and contains an immense medicinal value.
Added colours are generally harmful as there is an involvement of various unhealthy chemical mixtures. Hence this beverage is a tea made with the elements available naturally.
4. Contains antioxidants
This beverage is rich in antioxidants which protects our cell from oxidation by the free radicals that damage cells. This is because it is fortified with vitamin C.
According to the ingredient list of Arizona green tea, it contains citric acid. It is also an excellent vitamin C source, which provides antioxidants to your body.
5. Stimulates brain cells
We all know that regular tea stimulates our brain cells and gives us the energy to be steady at work. So, the drink also acts as a refreshment and is available in bottles too.
That is why it is easier to carry it anywhere and have it after lunch at work or after working out. This tea stimulates the cell inside your brain, which charges you up.
6. Promotes weight loss
It is a drink that helps in weight loss. But its sugar content limits the amount of it to be taken. Still, it’s a good beverage before and after a workout. In this way, the sugar intake is also lost, and it does not add to your weight.
AriZona Зеленый Чай Калории
Согласно веб-сайту AriZona, 8 унций классического зеленого чая компании с медом содержат 70 калорий, включая 18 граммов углеводов (17 из которых являются сахарами). Напиток содержит ноль жира и ноль холестерина и всего 10 миллиграммов натрия. Кроме того, на его долю приходится 25 процентов рекомендуемой суточной дозы витамина С.
Имейте в виду, что классические 99-центовые банки самого продаваемого зеленого чая не стоят 8 унций; они 23 унции. Если вы выбираете пластиковую бутылку или то, что бренд называет «коротышкой» или «высокорослым мальчиком», вы смотрите на 16 или 20 унций.
Это стоит отметить, потому что большинство людей потребляют целую банку или бутылку, потягивая на AriZona, что означает, что ваше потребление калорий, углеводов и сахара на самом деле в два или три раза больше, чем указано на этикетке.
Is AriZona Green Tea Healthy?
Due to the added sugars and preservatives, AriZona Green Tea is not the healthiest beverage choice. But it can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
Here are some pros and cons of drinking AriZona Green Tea:
- Provides antioxidants from green tea
- Contains ginseng for an extra boost
- Low cost at only 99 cents per tall can
- No artificial colors or flavors
- Refreshing, slightly sweet taste
- High in added sugars from HFCS
- Contains preservatives like potassium sorbate
- Not calorie or carb-free like plain green tea
- Excessive intake may lead to weight gain
- Unpasteurized, not as clean as homemade tea
For those looking to cut back on sweets or lose weight, unsweetened brewed green tea is the healthier choice. But the convenience and taste of AriZona make it an indulgent treat. Just be mindful of sugar content and portion size when sipping.
Is Arizona Decaffeinated Green Tea Good for You?
Arizona Beverage Company produces a variety of green tea, and decaffeinated green tea is one of them. Almost all the available products of Arizona Beverage Company are not caffeine-free.
Only Arizona decaffeinated green tea is the one that has a lower caffeine quantity. The processes involved in the removal of caffeine from the tea also removes antioxidant compounds. That is why you cannot remove caffeine completely. However, you can reduce its quantity to a considerably low level.
What does caffeine do?
Caffeine is the world’s most consumed psychotic drug, which acts as a stimulant of the methylxanthine class. It generally stimulates the cells of the central nervous system.
Tea, coffee, or any other beverages containing caffeine can give energy which helps a person to be alert and steady. Caffeine helps to remain awake and eliminates the feeling of tiredness.
Why is caffeine harmful?
An excessive amount of caffeine consumption is terrible rather fatal for health. There are some adverse side effects of caffeine if you consume it in excessive amounts. Irregular heartbeat is one of the significant side effects of caffeine.
Some other side effects include anxiety, trouble in sleep, restlessness, and tremors. Some people also get high blood pressure, migraine, and stomach pain after consuming excessive caffeine.
Also, pregnant women should limit their caffeine intake as caffeine increases the risk of miscarriage. Even excessive amount of caffeine intake interacts with certain medications.
What makes Arizona decaffeinated green tea good for health?
Arizona decaffeinated green tea is perfect for health as it reduces the risk of other health problems. Pregnant women can always have Arizona decaffeinated green tea as it is almost caffeine-free.
It contains honey, ginseng root extract, ascorbic acid, sodium citrate, sucralose, filtered water, acesulfame potassium, and citric acid. These ingredients have less caffeine in them.
Ethyl acetate is a solvent that is put into the tea leaves to remove caffeine. So, it dissolves and removes the caffeine from the tea leaves. However, ethyl acetate, along with eliminating caffeine, also removes most of the antioxidants.
These antioxidants prevent the human body from inflammation and also protect our body cells from oxidized by the free radicals. This is why vitamin C and other ingredients are put into this tea to fill up the gaps of antioxidants.
Carbon dioxide and water are also in use to remove caffeine from the tea leaves. This process is much more effective than the previous process of using ethyl acetate.
Removing caffeine by carbon dioxide does not remove the antioxidants. Almost 95% of antioxidants remain intact. Arizona decaffeinated green tea also uses carbon dioxide to get rid of caffeine.
Frequently Asked Question
What are the benefits of Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey?
Green tea and ginseng can be used to increase energy and improve clarity. Honey and ginseng, on the other hand, when combined, may be a delightful drink that reduces tension while also purifying the body.
They are available ready-made in the market and are simple to cook at home.
Will Arizona Green Tea help you lose weight?
It can assist you in losing weight. However, the sugar-free version of Arizona Green Tea with ginseng and honey is a better choice.
If you are an athlete or actively participate in activities that require a lot of energy, this tea will be very beneficial. Vitamin C is also present in Arizona Green Tea.
Is Green Tea healthy with Ginseng?
Ginseng and green tea are generally safe to consume in moderation, while extracts and supplements may not be as safe. It is suggested that children, pregnant women, those with diabetes or high blood pressure, and people taking blood thinners should avoid ginseng tea.
Is there any caffeine in Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey?
Yes, caffeine is naturally present in all teas. Every serving of 8-oz of Arizona’s black tea, including diet, has 15 mg of caffeine. And every 8-oz serving of green tea, including diet, has 7.5 mg of caffeine.
Arizona Green Tea with ginseng and honey tastes more like a Coca-Cola can than authentic green tea.
How is Arizona Green Tea bad for you?
It’s prone to having a slew of on your body because it doesn’t fill you up. It’s been related to weight gain, elevated blood sugar, and an increased risk of heart disease. As a result, you should reduce your intake and instead consume simple water, coffee, or tea.
Is Arizona Green Tea healthier than soda?
Now the question arises: Is Arizona Green Tea better for you than soda? It isn’t; Arizona goods and sodas are both sugar water disguised as food. They won’t harm you if you have them occasionally, but they aren’t good for you.
So, whereas drinking is 100 percent unhealthy for you, Arizona is probably 95 percent bad for you. According to one source, Pepsi and cola are far more acidic than Arizona Tea or Lipton Brisk, another sweet lemon tea.
Because more acidic teas are more harmful to dental enamel, Arizona tea is slightly healthier.
Is Ginseng tea good for your heart?
“There is that ginseng can lower blood pressure by relaxing the arteries,” day explains. “By preventing platelet adhesion, it thins the blood and may reduce cholesterol profiles.” According to Palinski-Wade, ginseng tea is a pleasant substitute for a sweet beverage with heart-healthy properties.
Is Ginseng bad for your heart?
Ginseng, with its antioxidation, reduced platelet adhesion, vasomotor modulation, improved lipid profiles, and influence on various ion channels, have all been shown to have potential favorable benefits on heart disease in both in vitro and in vivo .
Is Ginseng good for high blood pressure?
While ginseng can raise blood pressure, it usually does so when the patient has low blood pressure, allowing it to return to normal. Ginseng can also lower high blood pressure.
With more , ginseng’s biochemical and pharmacological properties concerning blood pressure regulation are becoming more evident.
Is Ginseng good for the liver and kidneys?
Ginseng, with its main constituents, ginsenosides, has a wide range of actions. Including a favorable effect in regulating liver functions and treating liver illnesses such as acute/chronic hepatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver hepatectomy, and liver transplantation.
Arizona Green Tea With Ginseng And Honey
Arizona Beverages USA is stylized as Arizona, an American company situated in Woodbury, New York, that produces a variety of iced tea, juice cocktails, and energy drinks. The first product from Arizona was released in 1992.
Arizona is noted for its 23 fl. oz.” Big Can” glasses.
Many ingredients are used in Arizona Green Tea to prepare, such as honey powder, maltodextrin, citric acid, sucralose, natural flavors, acesulfame potassium, and ginseng extract.
Other ingredients are also there, such as instant green tea, and there are no preservatives in this tea because it is 100 percent natural. Artificial Colors are not used.
There are no artificial flavors. Honey Powder, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid, Sucralose, Natural Flavors, Acesulfame Potassium, Ginseng Extract, Honey Powder, Instant Green Tea, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid, Sucralose, Natural Flavors, Acesulfame Potassium, Ginseng Extract There are no preservatives or artificial flavors in this tea.
About Arizona Product’s “Green Tea”
Tea on the Go
All of your favorite iced tea flavors are now available in a compact powder mix that you can take with you. This sugar-free tea stix is small enough to fit in your pocket or backpack. You need to shake it up in a water bottle or a travel mug and enjoy.
A Mixture of Powdered Drink
These easy sugar-free powdered iced tea blends, made with Splenda, offer more tea content than other mixes, providing more flavor and natural antioxidants per cup. There are no preservatives in this product.
A Tea With Caffeine
Natural caffeine is present in all of our teas. Arizona green and diet green teas include 7.5 mg of caffeine, while the white teas have 6 mg. The caffeine content in black and diet black teas is 15 mg. Serving size: 8 oz.
Drink Arizona
This distinctive iced green tea was first introduced in 1992. Now you can experience our entire beverage range, including extra-strength energy shots, tea powder mixes, liquid water booster drops, and bulk mixes.
High Quality
Arizona Beverages has offered a unique twist on iced tea since 1992, promising great-tasting teas made with high-quality ingredients. They strive to raise the bar on everything we do, from powdered drink packets to bulk tea jugs.
Benefits of Arizona Green Tea with Honey and Ginseng
Arizona Green Tea comes with numerous benefits but when you take it with honey and Ginseng its benefits uplifts manifolds.
- Reduces extra body fat
- Helps to control hypertension
- Provides hormonal balance
- Revitalize body and brain
- Improves heart health
- Promote skin health
- Strengthens immunity system
- Helps in blood sugar regulation