Ginseng coffee: what it contains and consumption

How to make ginseng coffee

Among the drinks most loved by Italians, ginseng coffee occupies a special place. In fact, it can be consumed at home in various ways, or you can drink it at the bar in comfort. At the supermarket you can easily find capsules compatible with the most popular coffee machines, such as those for Lavazza “A modo mio”, for “Espresso point”, for Nescafè “Dolce gusto” or for the Caffè Borbone brand. Before buying ginseng coffee capsules, however, it is better to check the compatibility of the machine we own. If you prefer soluble coffee, Nescafè Gold offers practical pre-dosed sachets with ginseng inside ready to be mixed with boiling water. Another alternative is represented by the ground powder designed to be put in the mocha. The mocha preparation is generally less sweet than the capsule versions and is used as if you were preparing a traditional coffee.


Most people will consume coffee far more regularly than ginseng, but ginseng can be a healthy alternative if you don’t take other medications that can lower your blood sugar. Ginseng is also a good choice if you have type 2 diabetes, as it can help give you the energy that you need while keeping your blood sugar low. Caffeine is generally safe, but some people might be sensitive to it and experience problems. People who consume more than the recommended 400 mg of caffeine daily might also experience side effects like nervousness and difficulty sleeping.

Featured Image Credit: Left – Ginseng (whaltns17, Pixabay) | Right – Caffeine (Marie C Fields, Shutterstock)

А что если соединить?

Польза кофе с женьшенем

Так зачем же добавлять женьшень в кофе, какого эффекта можно ждать от такого напитка?

В первую очередь, эффекта бодрости и работоспособности. Причём более продолжительного, чем от обычного кофе. Кофеиновая стадия удлиняется в полтора – два раза, а наступающая за ней теоброминовая становится менее выраженной.

Например, чёрный кофе с императорским женьшенем COFFEECELL — отличный напиток для начала дня. Он не хуже душа поможет сбросить остатки сонливости, зарядит энергией и желанием творить на весь день.

Если бодрящий эффект напитка усиливается за счёт женьшеня, то содержание кофеина снижается. А значит уменьшается отрицательное воздействие кофеина. Напиток с женьшенем в меньшей степени воздействует на сердечно-сосудистую систему, чем просто крепкий кофе, не вызывает привыкания. Его даже не обязательно пить с холодной водой.

Кроме того, употребление обогащённого кофе:

повышает внимание, улучшает запоминание;

снижает уровень холестерина;

нормализует количество сахара в крови;

ускоряет обменные процессы (способствует похудению);

облегчает менструальные боли у женщин.

Происхождение напитка

Мода пить кофе с женьшенем возникла недавно в Италии. В одной миланской кофейне стали готовить этот напиток, чтобы привлечь посетителей новым вкусом. О том, что это станет трендом, о глубине пользы Caffè Al Ginseng авторы идеи, возможно, даже не догадывались.

А вкус действительно получился необычный, он быстро завоевал сердца итальянцев. Чтобы приглушить чрезмерную горечь растения, такой кофе готовят с сахаром и молоком.

Где купить

Конечно, посетить кофейню в Милане может не каждый. Да и на ближайшую кофейню в своём городе время есть не всегда. Поэтому вскоре стал появляться женьшеневый кофе в пакетиках для быстрого заваривания. А ещё через какое-то время появились дешёвые пакетики с низкокачественным растворимым кофе, сухим заменителем молока и ароматизатором женьшеня.

Естественно, в ароматизаторах нет никакой пользы. Поэтому для заряда энергии и здоровья выбирать нужно только натуральные напитки с экстрактом «корня жизни». Купить их можно на сайте

Там вы найдёте необыкновенное разнообразие вкусов: капучино, латте, мокко, кофе со вкусом «milky way» и со вкусом «snickers». Все они содержат натуральный экстракт императорского женьшеня.

Приготовить напиток легко: содержимое одного пакетика нужно залить горячей, но не кипящей водой в количестве 100 мл, перемешать. Несколько секунд — и вы уже наслаждаетесь самым полезным кофе или угощаете друзей.

А благодаря необычной яркой упаковке напитки COFFEECELL могут стать отличным подарком по любому поводу.

Ingredients of ginseng coffee

Ginseng coffee can be made in many different ways, also depending on the ingredients used. The ones most commonly used, however, are as follows:

  • pure ginseng extract;
  • cream which, in the finest blends, is of vegetable origin;
  • caffeine-free instant coffee (hence the ‘deca’ version);
  • sugar, the amount of which may vary depending on the recipe and personal taste.

The combination of these ingredients guarantees you a drink with a pleasantly sweet and velvety flavour, perfect to enjoy at breakfast or at any other time of the day, perhaps when you want to treat yourself to something special.

Nevertheless, if the idea of preparing it in the ‘artisanal’ method frightens you, you can always opt for a ready-made mixture and prepare it with the help of one of our coffee machines. Precisely because we know a lot about coffee, we know the secrets of this beverage very well, whatever variant you want to experiment with.

And the ‘rule’ is always the same for everyone: if you want to drink good coffee, you should do it with the right machine. So, go to our catalogue and discover the right coffee machine for you: the one that will allow you to enjoy a fantastic ginseng without any effort!

Health Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng, known for its adaptogenic effects, can offer a range of health benefits that contribute to overall well-being. Its ability to reduce inflammation in the body makes it particularly beneficial for healthy aging. Let’s explore some of the key health benefits associated with ginseng:

Inflammation Reduction

Ginseng possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with various health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. By incorporating ginseng into your routine, you may be able to mitigate inflammation and promote better health.

Cognitive Function

Ginseng has been studied for its potential cognitive benefits. Research suggests that ginseng may improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and mental performance. By supporting brain health, ginseng may enhance cognitive abilities and overall brain function.

Energy Boost

Feeling low on energy? Ginseng could be your natural solution. This potent herb is known for its ability to increase energy levels and combat fatigue. By incorporating ginseng into your daily routine, you may experience a sustained boost in energy, helping you stay productive and focused throughout the day.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Ginseng has been shown to have a positive impact on blood sugar levels. It may help regulate glucose metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. By supporting blood sugar regulation, ginseng promotes better overall health.

Healthy Aging

As an adaptogen, ginseng supports the body’s ability to adapt and respond to various stressors. This adaptogenic property of ginseng is particularly advantageous for healthy aging. By promoting a balanced stress response, ginseng can help combat the negative effects of chronic stress and support healthy aging processes.

Sexual Health

Ginseng has been traditionally used to support sexual health and vitality. Research has shown that ginseng may enhance sexual function, increase libido, and improve overall sexual satisfaction. By incorporating ginseng into your routine, you may experience enhanced sexual wellness and improved intimate relationships.

While there is scientific evidence to support these health benefits of ginseng, it’s important to note that further research is still needed to fully understand the mechanisms and potential applications of ginseng in supporting overall health.

In the next section, we will explore the specific benefits of combining ginseng with coffee to create a revitalizing and health-promoting beverage.

How To Make Ginseng Coffee Using Dried Ginseng Roots - [How To Use Wisconsin Grown American Ginseng]How To Make Ginseng Coffee Using Dried Ginseng Roots – [How To Use Wisconsin Grown American Ginseng]

Ginseng coffee and its properties

The “ginseng coffee” it is obtained from the ginseng root, without adding coffee. With this type of drink you can benefit from all the properties of ginseng which consist in:

1. reduce the sense of hunger and facilitate digestion;
2. make you more alert, attentive and focused;
3. improve memory;
4. relieve fatigue and improve performance;
5. increase resistance to fatigue;
6. lower the sense of anxiety and can help in depression;
7. make people able to resist any type of stress;
8. energize and stimulate the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.

Il ginseng it is the most effective adaptogen existing in the world; there are different varieties and the choice of a high quality ingredient depends on the controlled crops that guarantee its benefits.

The main action as an adaptogen is the ability to make the body respond positively to stressful events and situations of whatever nature they are (environmental, physical, emotional, etc …).

Acting both on a hormonal level and influencing other body areas, it is able to modulate both with the activation and energization of the body and in sedation and relaxation.

This mechanism is typical of adaptogens which, depending on the subjects who use it and when they take it, can activate or calm the body response.

Overview of Ginseng

Image Credit: markroad1230, Pixabay

What Is Ginseng?

Ginseng is an herb — or more specifically, a root — with many different names, including ginseng root, ginseng Americano, North American ginseng, occidental ginseng, red berry, and sang. We started using ginseng as early as the 1700s, and some historical characters like Daniel Boone made their fortune selling it.

How Does Ginseng Work?

The doctor often uses it to help lower blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes, which can also help with respiratory infections. It also has energy-boosting properties similar to caffeine, which is why we often see it in energy drinks. It’s an adaptogen herb that helps you better adapt to stress, so your body continues to function normally under pressure.

Ginseng can lower your blood sugar, so you should avoid it when taking other medications or herbs that can lower blood sugar, like garlic and chromium. Other common side effects include diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, and increased blood pressure. In extreme cases, people might experience a severe skin reaction that can include a fever, sore throat, and swelling.


  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Increases energy
  • Helps you adapt to stress


  • Interactions with other medications
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure

How To Make Ginseng Coffee?

Now that we know that you can ginseng to your coffee, here’s how to make it.

You can add ginseng to your coffee in a couple of ways. You can make use of the roots themselves or simply use powdered ginseng.

Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Using Ginseng Roots

You can add both ginseng root and its prongs. 

Take a cup of roasted coffee beans in your coffee grinder.

Add 2gm of ginseng roots or prongs in the coffee grinder (for every cup of coffee beans).

Now, grind both the coffee beans and the ginseng roots until you get the right grind size. This will depend on your brewing method. Coarse for French press and cold brew, fine for espresso, and so on. 

Your coffee and ginseng mix is now ready. You can brew your coffee with ginseng in it just like your regular coffee.

If you can’t taste any ginseng, you can try increasing the amount of ginseng by a gram to see if it makes any difference. Likewise, if you feel that ginseng is dominating your coffee flavor, you can reduce its amount the next time you make your coffee and ginseng mix. 

Using Powdered Ginseng or Ginseng Extract

The use of powdered ginseng is a lot easier than the method above.

For this, you are going to need ground coffee grounds in the desired grind size.

For one cup of coffee grounds, add 2gm of ginseng powder. Mix it well so that ginseng doesn’t stay in one place.

Once your mix is ready, you can brew your coffee like every day.

Play with the amount of ginseng you add to find the sweet spot. Ginseng carries a bitter flavor, so if your coffee is bitter, make sure to bring the powdered ginseng amount down the next time you make your coffee ginseng mix.

The Power of Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Millions of people enjoy coffee on a daily basis.

People enjoy its distinct flavor, stimulating effects, and versatility.

It has become an essential part of morning routines, the workplace, and social events.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that offers several benefits when consumed in moderation.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system which can help you feel more alert.

Outside of caffeine, coffee also offers additional health benefits.

Scientific Evidence for Coffee

These diseases include obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

Additional scientific research associates coffee with a lower incidence of several types of cancer. Moreover, coffee is also linked with a reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality (death from any cause).

Conclusion: can you always drink ginseng coffee?

Now that you have a clear and precise overview of ginseng coffee and all the benefits it can provide, you might be wondering if it is possible to drink it all the time, whatever your health condition. Well, the answer is yes.

As we have already explained, the really important thing is to respect the maximum recommended dose which, we remind you, should never exceed four cups per day.

That said, if you suffer from a specific disease, the advice is still to talk to your doctor, who will be able to give you personalised advice based on your state of health.

Remember that no matter how much you may enjoy a drink, abusing it is never a good idea, not least because you don’t want to risk losing the taste of drinking it. Our advice, therefore, is to consider ginseng coffee as a pleasant ‘temptation’ to indulge in from time to time, saving you the trouble of making it yourself and leaving this task to one of our coffee machines.

Ginseng King Cup coffee

It is among the leaders in the production of ginseng coffee. These products are offered in 2 versions. On the one hand, coffee with ginseng requires sugar, and on the other a sweet version with cane sugar. Concerned about the health of its followers and its reputation, the coffee offered by the brand is imported from Malaysia. This is in order to allow consumers to benefit from an original recipe. King Cup Ginseng Coffee is free from OMG, gluten, and lactose.
Whether in a capsule or sachet, King Cup Ginseng Coffee is easy to prepare. Insoluble format, it is enough to dissolve it in a cup that contains boiling water. As for the capsules, you just have to insert it
into the device before pressing the button

Benefits of Ginseng Coffee

Adding ginseng to coffee can provide a multitude of benefits that go beyond your regular cup of joe. The combination of ginseng and coffee creates a unique blend of stimulating and health-promoting properties.

Increased Energy

Ginseng coffee offers a natural way to boost your energy levels without the need for excessive caffeine. The active compounds in ginseng work synergistically with the stimulating effect of coffee to provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Improved Brain Function

By enhancing memory and attention, ginseng coffee helps improve brain function, allowing you to stay focused and alert. The adaptogenic properties of ginseng work in harmony with the cognitive-enhancing effects of coffee, providing a powerful combination for mental clarity.

Antioxidant Protection

Ginseng is known for its antioxidant properties, which help protect against oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. When combined with coffee, which also contains antioxidants, ginseng coffee provides an extra layer of defense against cellular damage.

Cancer Prevention

Research suggests that both ginseng and coffee possess compounds that may help prevent certain types of cancer. The combination of these two ingredients in ginseng coffee offers a potential protective effect against cancer development.

Benefits Ginseng Coffee
Increased Energy
Improved Brain Function
Antioxidant Protection
Cancer Prevention

How much caffeine does ginseng coffee contain

Although the name may be misleading, ginseng is not a real coffee. The coffee content is minimal and it is simply soluble coffee. Consequently, the caffeine content is very low and has minimal effects on the body, so ginseng coffee as a less caffeinated alternative could definitely be evaluated.

Clearly it should be avoided by those who have serious problems and cannot take caffeine, but otherwise it is not comparable to coffee in any way: it does not cause insomnia or agitation, has no effect on blood pressure and does not speed up the heartbeat. To avoid caffeine, it is also possible to find the totally caffeine-free variant on the market.

Свойства женьшеня


Корень женьшеня тоже оказывает тонизирующее действие, но оно более стабильное, чем от кофеина. Любопытно, что выпитый отвар женьшеня помогает сосредоточиться и не уснуть, даже если вы планируете работать (учиться, развлекаться) всю ночь. При этом он не помешает уснуть, как только вы захотите.

Китайцы называют женьшень «корнем жизни» и уверены, что он продлевает молодость. Если полезные свойства кофе начали изучать совсем недавно, то женьшень используют как лекарство с третьего тысячелетия до нашей эры. За это время сформировался внушительный список полезных воздействий этого растения на организм человека. Считается, что оно:

  • повышает иммунитет;

  • улучшает кровообращение;

  • оказывает антитромботическое действие;

  • защищает сосуды от атеросклероза, повышает их эластичность;

  • замедляет рост раковых клеток;

  • предотвращает диабет;

  • стимулирует выработку гормонов;

  • нормализует работу ЦНС;

  • защищает нервные клетки мозга, замедляет его старение;

  • укрепляет память, повышает сосредоточенность;

  • ускоряет жировой метаболизм;

  • снимает стресс, борется с депрессией;

  • облегчает боль;

  • снижает негативные последствия действия радиации;

  • восстанавливает запас энергии в организме.

Эти эффекты признаёт не только традиционная восточная медицина, но и официальная. Настойку женьшеня вы найдёте в любой аптеке. Показания к применению такие: снижение физической и умственной работоспособности, астенические состояния и даже эректильная дисфункция. Не зря ведь «корень жизни» считается мощнейшим афродизиаком.

В составе корня фармацевты обнаружили такие полезные вещества как:

  • пептиды;

  • витамины;

  • аминокислоты;

  • микроэлементы (цинк, марганец, железо и другие);

  • макроэлементы (фосфор, кальций, магний, калий);

  • сапонины.

Последняя группа (сапонины) — кладезь полезных эффектов.

Белый императорский женьшень

Существует много видов сапонинов. Каждый вид приносит свою пользу организму. Чем разнообразнее набор сапонинов в растении, тем выше его лекарственный эффект. В «корне жизни» этих веществ очень много. Но их количество зависит от вида женьшеня, места произрастания и даже возраста растения.

Максимальную концентрацию пользы содержит белый императорский женьшень, который выращивают в Восточном Китае и выкапывают на шестом году роста (когда корень набрал максимум сапонинов). Из этого вида компания «Бинг Хан» производит экстракт по особой технологии, позволяющей сохранить почти всю пользу свежего корня.

А экстракты «Бинг Хан» использует компания COFFEECELL для создания своих необычных сортов чая и кофе.

Brands of ginseng coffee to consider

Besides these two firms, there are other brands you can turn to. The Nespresso ginseng Gattopardo is one of the brands that are beginning to make a reputation in this environment and I had the chance to taste it. This is available in a sachet of 10 capsules and can be used in most Nespresso machines.

Each dose contains 5% ginseng extract in order to maintain an excellent ratio between the flavor and the positive effects of Panax, which is another name for ginseng. I also tried a ginseng coffee from Super. It is an original product since it is a blend of Arabica, Robusta, and ginseng of Korean origin. I can assure you that every cup you drink will be an unforgettable
experience. This coffee is halal certified.

We recommend the Persalute brand ginseng coffee. This drink will please you if you like Arabica coffee. Mixed with Korean red ginseng, it will be an interesting culinary discovery. Without sugar and aromas, it is only available in a 250 g sachet. The criteria for choosing a ginseng coffee Not all ginseng coffees are created equal. To check the quality of the ginseng in your coffee, you need to
check a few points or ask the manufacturers directly.

When You Shouldn’t Use Ginseng

According to studies, ginseng doesn’t have any adverse effects on the body. However, some people still need to be careful about using the plant.

If you take medications for diabetes and combine them with ginseng, your blood sugar level could drop. It’s important to monitor your blood sugar regularly if you choose to mix the two.

If you’re taking anticoagulation drugs, ginseng may diminish their effectiveness.

Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and small children should not use ginseng. Although, this is merely because of the lack of research that includes these groups.

Don’t use ginseng for too long without breaks as prolonged usage of ginseng may reduce its effects. We recommend taking it for a couple of weeks, then taking a one-week break.

Top 10 Ginseng Coffee Sellers: CPR Seller Rank List

CPR sellers rank is based on CherryPicks-AI bestselling ranking system that helps us analyze each seller’s sales trends. The List of top seller ranks is our in-house data, essential for our product ranking to help you make the right shopping choice.

  • 1.

    JDJ Trading Co

    8,802 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 2.

    CL Marketplace

    1,840 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 3.


    1,622 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 4.


    1,456 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 5.

    Shop Simply Good

    1,093 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 6.

    eSaving Shop

    866 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 7.

    KEA Wholesale

    734 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.9

  • 8.

    LY8 Distributors

    493 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.8

  • 9.


    448 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.7

  • 10.


    331 Yearly Feedback
    , Avg. Ratings 4.6

Rank Name Yearly Feedbacks Avg. Ratings

JDJ Trading Co

8,802 4.9

CL Marketplace

1,840 4.9


1,622 4.9


1,456 4.9

Shop Simply Good

1,093 4.9

eSaving Shop

866 4.9

KEA Wholesale

734 4.9

LY8 Distributors

493 4.8


448 4.7


331 4.6

View or download top Ginseng Coffee seller & rating report

JDJ Trading Co CL Marketplace Zenetics VitaCup Shop Simply Good eSaving Shop KEA Wholesale LY8 Distributors TAOServices MarketOh JDJ Trading Co 50%CL Marketplace 10%Zenetics 9%VitaCup 8%Shop Simply Good 6%eSaving Shop 5%KEA Wholesale 4%LY8 Distributors 3%TAOServices 3%MarketOh 2%

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Benefits of Ginseng Coffee

Ginseng has a lot of reputation when it comes to health benefits. Adding ginseng to your morning brew will only make it better when done right.

Here are some of the benefits of ginseng in coffee.

Stress Relief

Ginseng in your coffee is great for relieving stress.

It can help suppress feelings of anxiety and depression which is further lead to psychological problems.

More than anything, having a cup of coffee with some ginseng in it will uplift your mood and that alone makes this combination a must-try in our eyes.

Improved Cognition

If you are having problems with concentration and memory, then coffee with ginseng can come in handy.

You will see your cognitive abilities growing over weeks as you consume this powerful coffee. You will be able to focus better without losing your calm.

Planning to work on something that can change your life, make sure to make this combo your friend as it can help you get better work done with limited mental resources.

Related Read: Pepper in Coffee!

Consistent Energy

One of the problems with coffee is the energy crash.

When you add some ginseng to your coffee, it can prevent the release of energy immediately and releases it slowly over time. So you will feel energized for a longer period without any crashes.

Enhanced Digestion

Ginseng is very good for improving your digestion problems.

Though there are no studies to prove this, anecdotal evidence suggests that people with digestive issues have felt better after a few doses of ginseng coffee.

Improved Heart Health

Ginseng can play a big role in improving blood circulation. It can also help in lowering your blood cholesterol.

If you are someone looking to improving your cardiovascular health, then adding ginseng to your daily coffee (in small amounts) might not be a bad idea.

Better Immune System

Ginseng in coffee can help in increasing the overall immune system in your body.

Studies show that when ginseng was included as a part of your regular intake, cancer patients showed increased immunity and recovered faster in terms of symptoms and recovering from surgeries.

Side Effects Of Ginseng In Coffee

Nothing in this world is all good and ginseng is no exception.

Keep in mind that ginseng is a stimulant just like coffee. So if you add more ginseng than required, you would be making a drink with too much caffeine and stimulating effects.

This can cause hypertension, irritation, and even heart palpitations.

You must consult your doctor before adding ginseng to your coffee if you have diabetes, blood thinners, blood pressure meds, and especially antidepressants. Getting a go-ahead from your physicians is a must as adverse effects can be very damaging.

Benefits and contraindications of ginseng coffee

As we have already mentioned, the ginseng root is a treasure trove of healthy properties for the body:

  • has calming effects and counteracts stress;
  • improves mood;
  • promotes mental faculties and concentration;
  • gives energy;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • has aphrodisiac properties;
  • facilitates digestive processes;
  • stimulates peristalsis and helps combat constipation;
  • improves blood pressure conditions.

The action of ginseng on the nervous system is very important, as it gives tone, aids memory and helps with activities that require concentration. Several scientific studies on ginseng root claim that it enhances erotic activities and promotes the sexual sphere.

The right amount of ginseng helps the body produce valuable substances for the immune system, fighting viruses and bacteria. Some studies have also found a close correlation between ginseng and blood sugar, as the former would help lower the levels of the latter when they are too high.

At the same time, numerous scientific investigations are currently underway to further investigate the vasodilatory capabilities of this drink, which, if they are really established, would help all those suffering from high blood pressure.

Although ginseng can bring enormous benefits to the body, its active ingredients should not be abused. Excessive consumption of ginseng coffee can, in fact, lead to intestinal disorders, cause anxiety, and cause cardiovascular disorders.

In addition, people suffering from autoimmune diseases, metabolic conditions or bleeding disorders should avoid the very substance.

It has to be said that ginseng coffee contains a minimal amount of ginseng powder so side effects are very sporadic. But let’s see what annoyances are associated with excessive ginseng consumption.

The benefits of ginseng coffee

Ginseng coffee enthusiasts recognize numerous properties in this drink. First of all, the absence of caffeine (or the presence in a very small percentage) make this blend a suitable alternative even for those who do not want, or cannot, take traditional coffee. Secondly, the invigorating and invigorating virtues of ginseng root would have the ability to stimulate our body by providing it with more energy. Among the positive effects of this solicitation, then, there would be greater concentration and an increase in memory. According to some, ginseng coffee contains active ingredients that would also have a positive effect on blood circulation, sexual desire and the immune system. Supporters of the beneficial properties of this root also recognize a role in ginseng in freeing the body from excess mucus and in fighting infections. All thanks to the substances present in the plant, very rich in vitamin C, B, polyphenols and salts. minerals, which also help to counteract aging. Ginseng coffee helps to stimulate the nervous system, increasing the body’s ability to concentrate. Like caffeine (but without its exciting effect), this drink helps you to be clearer, more active and more alert. A true concentrate of energy, therefore, known by the Asian peoples for hundreds of years.

How Ginseng Coffee Helps Us Live Healthier

Chinese traditionally use Panax ginseng as an anti-aging elixir, natural energy booster, or an effective love drug. Today, people drink ginseng coffee to accomplish the same with a more desirable flavor. 

Ginseng helps certain processes within our body go smoothly. It increases our cognitive capabilities, helps us concentrate, and allows us to memorize things easier. Last but not least, ginseng is a proven aphrodisiac with multiple positive effects on the male reproductive system.

To date, research has proven 7 benefits of ginseng consumption.

1. Ginseng helps reduce inflammation of cells.

Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant that protects tissue from inflammation. It reduces oxidative stress and helps with treating different conditions such as eczema (skin cells inflammation), muscle damage after exercise. 

2. Ginseng boosts memory and mood.

Some tests have shown that regular consumption of Panax ginseng may prevent brain damage. While not only preventing, the plant also increases our abilities to focus and think. It may also cause an improvement in memory function. 

A single dose of Asian ginseng also increases mental performance. It regulates blood sugar levels and prevents mental fatigue that some people tend to experience while doing complex intellectual work. Surprisingly, ginseng may help people with Alzheimer’s disease restore some of their intellectual function. It is important to add that the dosage should be limited to a smaller amount.

3. Ginseng is a natural remedy for impotence and infertility.

The antioxidant feature of ginseng has multiple advantages. In addition to protecting cells from inflammation, it also lowers the level of oxidative stress in blood vessels in the male reproductive organs.

Ginseng also helps our body to produce nitric oxide, which relaxes muscles and improves circulation.

4. Ginseng Improves the Immune System.

While there’s still no research that shows what the effects of ginseng are on the immune system of healthy people, we know that the plant does help people with cancer, including those who’ve been through chemotherapy or surgery. One study has shown that higher doses of ginseng (5.4mg a day) for two years may boost the immune system and reduce the risk of recurrence of symptoms. Another study suggested that using ginseng may increase immunization effects. 

5. Ginseng is a Cancer-Fighting Food.

Ginseng lessens the risk of some types of cancer and acts as an excellent supplementary treatment against cancer. 

Again, it’s the antioxidant potential of the plant that reduces inflammations and protects the cells. One of the active substances of ginseng, ginsenoside, inhibits the growth of abnormal cells. People who consume ginseng regularly have a lowered risk of developing cancer.

In addition to that, ginseng improves the effects of chemotherapy and reduces side effects.

6. Ginseng is an energy booster.

Ginseng increases energy and prevents fatigue – even for those who suffer from chronic fatigue. As a result, the plant enhances physical activity. Like the conditions listed above, the key is in diminishing oxidative damage, thus improving energy production.

7. Ginseng helps us fight diabetes.

Both Asian and American ginseng help regulate blood sugar by improving pancreatic cell function and boosting the production of insulin. The two plants also help mitigate blood sugar increases.

For better effects on blood sugar control, it is recommended to use fermented red ginseng.

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