What is Soursop?
The fruit of the soursop tree has a spiny outer skin with a soft, heavily seed-laden pulped interior. Each of these cauliflorous fruit may attain over a foot (30 cm.) in length and, when ripe, the soft pulp is used in ice creams and sherbets. In fact, this small evergreen tree produces the largest fruit in the Annonaceae family.
Reportedly, the fruit may weigh up to 15 pounds (7 k.) (although the Guinness Book of World Records lists the largest as 8.14 pounds (4 k.)), and is often a lopsided heart shape. The white segments of the soursop fruit are primarily seedless, although a few seeds are present.
The seeds and bark are toxic and contain poisonous alkaloids such as anonaine, muricine, and hydrocyanic acid. Soursop is known by a plethora of different names depending on its country of cultivation. The name, soursop is derived from the Dutch zuurzak which means “sour sack.”
Health Benefits
Soursop, also known as graviola or guanabana, may also provide a range of other health benefits. For example, graviola tea—made from the leaves (not the fruit) of the soursop plant—is often used to treat infections (both bacterial and viral) that cause cold-like symptoms. In addition, some people use it to treat sexually transmitted diseases like herpes.
Not enough scientific evidence supports these uses, although studies show that some soursop extracts may provide immune system support.
Potential for Cancer Prevention
A 2018 study reported that extracts from soursop fruit and the tree’s bark, roots, and leaves had the therapeutic potential to combat cancer and other non-malignant diseases.
However, not enough human data support this claim. Experts from Cancer Treatment Centers of America warn against using soursop as a cancer fighter, and they note that soursop is associated with numerous unsubstantiated claims. Drugs developed from compounds in the soursop plant are more likely to be effective than simply consuming the fruit or tea made from its leaves.
Promotes Digestive Health
Due to its high fiber content, soursop may aid with proper digestion. The fruit’s juice can also act as a diuretic and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract by removing excess sodium from the body. An extract of soursop has been shown to help heal gastric ulcers in lab animals.
Fights Inflammation
Like most fruits and vegetables, soursop is a good source of antioxidants, which might help the body repair cell damage and combat inflammation.
Можно ли вырастить сметанное яблоко дома
С точки зрения ботаники, обсуждаемый тропический фрукт считается ягодой. Для проращивания собирают семена зрелых плодов, они должны иметь зеленовато-желтый оттенок и быть мягкими при надавливании. Тем, кто желает заиметь домашнюю гуанабану, стоит учесть несколько полезных рекомендаций:
- Проращивать семена желательно в конце зимы или в начале весны. Этот совет более чем актуален, ведь гуанабана — листопадное растение и с наступлением холодов непременно сбросит листья. Если же в зимний период ростки будут совсем маленькими, они рискуют замерзнуть и не проснуться весной.
- Наиболее подходящий диапазон температур для проращивания сметанного яблока находится в пределах 25 – 30 градусов.
- Почва для проращивания должна быть всегда влажной. Для этой цели горшок с растением следует накрыть пленкой и поставить в поддон, наполненный водой. При появлении всходов пленку необходимо с горшка удалить.
- Ростки можно пересаживать, когда их длина достигает не менее 25 см. Для этого следует подготовить почву, состоящую из песка, суглинка и торфа в пропорциях 1:2:2. После пересадки ростки нужно хорошо полить.
- Для проживания взрослого растения подойдёт кадка перед окном или в солнечной зоне комнаты. Летом его и вовсе можно вынести на свежий воздух
- В последние месяцы осени или в начале зимы саусеп начинает сбрасывать листья. В этот период полив следует прекратить и возобновить только с появлением молодых почек.
- Растение считается половозрелым и готово давать плоды спустя, примерно, 3 года после посадки. Поскольку домашние пчелы для опыления найдутся не у всех, человек способен самостоятельно оказать помощь растению в образовании плодов. Пыльцу собирают в пакетик с помощью специальной щеточки. Собранный продукт нужно на время убрать в холодильник, а во второй половине дня тем же инструментом распылить пыльцу по пестику. При условии аккуратных и методичных действий шанс полакомиться домашними плодами гуанабаны очень велик.
Эшта фрукт, как есть. Эшта
Уникальный экзотический фрукт под названием эшта имеет и другое название – «сахарное» или же «кремовое яблоко». Именно так чаще всего называют его в Египте и Таиланде. Растет он также в Индии, Камбодже, на юге Китая и даже в Америке. Хотя изначально родиной его считается Мексика. Существуют предположения, что попала эшта в другие теплые страны благодаря торговле.
Этот фрукт созревает на деревьях Анонна Чешуйчатая. Кстати, род Анон имеет довольно большое количество разновидностей: сетчатая или воловье сердце, шиповатая, черимола или черимойя и многие другие.
Выглядит плод дерева, как большое, колючее и массивное яблоко. Нередко его масса может достигать 2,5 кг. Съедобной считается только белая мякоть, а вот черные ядра желательно выбрасывать. Употреблять в пищу рекомендуется только те плоды эшты, которые имеют темный оттенок. Желательно, чтобы он был мягким и при небольшом надавливании на фрукт слегка проминался. От покупки совсем черной эшты лучше отказаться. Это означает, что она перезрела и, скорее всего, имеет несколько противный вкус. А вот если лепестки плода зеленые, а сам он кажется очень твердым, то это значит, что плод еще не готов к употреблению в пищу. Достаточно будет подождать пару дней, чтобы эшта дозрела.
Стоит заметить, что это экзотическое растение очень полезно. В нем содержится большое количество фруктозы и полезных, легко усваиваемых углеводов. Богат он такими витаминами, как С, В2 и В1. Нередко в странах, где распространен фрукт , его применяют в качестве лекарства при некоторых заболеваниях.
Вкус у эшты очень интересный. Он напоминает смесь сразу нескольких ингредиентов: яблока, дыни, клубники и йогурта. Недаром у арабов название фрукта дословно переводится, как «сливки». Кушать его принято маленькой ложкой, аккуратно разрезав или разломив напополам. Однако применяют его и в кулинарных целях.
В Таиланде фрукт добавляют в мороженое, которое приобретает очень нежный и неповторимый вкус. Правда, во время приготовления такого лакомства, семена не убираются. Поэтому приходится их выковыривать прямо из мороженого. На родине, в Мексике, фрукт используется в приготовлении самых разных десертов. Колумбийцы же предпочитают делать из него сок. Иногда этот напиток смешивается с молоком.
Обильное созревание плодов эшты происходит в октябре и ноябре. Именно в этот период в огромном количестве такие фрукты можно увидеть на рынках в тропических странах.
Невозможно удержать все необходимые знания и интересную информацию в голове. Но зато практически все можно найти в интернете. А для облегчения поиска существуют поисковые системы, например Google, Яндекс, Рамблер. Разобраться с тонкостями работы с разнообразными поисковиками поможет форум о поисковых системах mastertalk.ru. Информация может быть полезным инструментом в умелых руках.
Soursop juice recipe
Delicious Soursop Juice
Soursop pulp, sweetener and a few flavorings are all you need to make this delightful, exotic soursop juice recipe.
Servings: 6
Author: Ros Singh
- Wash and peel soursop.
- Cut out the spongey center.
- Squeeze the pulp to remove the seeds.
- Add de-seeded pulp and all other ingredients to the blender.
- Blend until smooth.
- Taste test and adjust sweetness level and spices.
- Chill and serve cold.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKq8s6_qAfoVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Make Soursop Juice (From the Fruit) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKq8s6_qAfo)
Health benefits
Due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic properties, soursop can offer many health benefits, such as:
1. Relieving anti-inflammatory diseases
Soursop contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevents the reduction of inflammation-producing cytokines. These are generated by the body in the presence of inflammation. This fruit can therefore be useful for the relieve of symptoms of inflammatory diseases, like arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Learn more about naturally anti-inflammatory foods you can add to your diet.
2. Preventing diabetes
Soursop contains great amounts of antioxidants that protect the pancreatic cells that are responsible for the production if insulin. This helps to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.
Furthermore, soursop is a great source of fibers, which decrease how quickly sugar is absorbed. This can help to regulate glucose levels in the blood, which can help to control diabetes in people who have already been diagnosed with it.
3. Maintain eye health
Because it contains lutein, an antioxidant compound that is important for eye health, soursop helps to decrease the development of illnesses like cataracts and macular degeneration. These conditions are associated with aging and cause eye damage, leading to vision loss.
4. Protecting the stomach
Soursop contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which reduce damage caused by free radicals in the stomach. This promotes a reduction in stomach acid production, making this fruit beneficial for protecting the stomach, improving digestion, and help to manage some diseases, like ulcers and gastritis.
5. Improving stress and anxiety
Soursop leaves contain anonaine and asimilobine, compounds that soothing properties that act on the central nervous system. These compounds interact with serotonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation), which can improve mood, stress and anxiety. Read more about other home remedies for gastritis that you can prepare to relieve symptoms.
6. Regulating blood pressure
Soursop contains potassium, an mineral that is essential for the body’s elimination of sodium through the urine. Potassium is also important for blood pressure management.
In addition, this fruit also contains antioxidants which promote arterial health and act as a vasodilator. It helps to promote blood circulation, which can also influence blood pressure. Check out other natural home remedies for blood pressure that can compliment your medical treatment.
7. Strengthening the immune system
Because it is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, like vitamin C and quercetin, soursop helps to manage excess free radicals and strengthen immune system cells. This helps to prevent allergies, colds and flu.
8. Combating constipation
Soursop helps to combat constipation because it is rich in water and fibers. These components promote natural bowel movements and add bulk to the stool, which facilitate stool elimination. See a list of other naturally laxative fruits that can facilitate regular bowel movements.
9. Maintaining hydration in the body
Soursop pulp contains about 82 g of water, which can significantly hydrate the body. It is often consumed in hot environments or during exercise, which helps to prevent dehydration.
10. Possibly prevent cancer
Recent studies [] [] show that soursop is rich in acetogenins, which are a group of metabolic compounds that have a cytotoxic effect that targets cancerous cells. In addition, it was noted in some studies that consuming soursop on a long-term basis can help to prevent and treat many types of cancer, like breast, colon, lung and prostate cancers.
Nonetheless, these studies have only been done in lab settings with isolated cells and animals. More studies are needed in humans to support the possible effect of this fruit on cancerous cells.
Описание растения саусеп
- Ареал. Список территорий, на которых произрастает саусеп, достаточно обширен и включает Багамские и Бермудские острова, Индию, Шри-Ланку, Австралию, Южный Китай, а также тихоокеанские острова, тропические леса Амазонки и территории между Южной Мексикой, Перу и Аргентиной. Родина анноны — Вест-Индия.
- Условия произрастания. Растение — теплолюбивое, поэтому распространено только в тропическом климате.
- Крона. Высота дерева достигает 9-ти метров. Листва — гладкая и блестящая, сверху — темно-зеленая, снизу — светло-зеленая, обладает приятным ароматом. Листья достигают 15-ти см в длину, имеют продолговатую форму. Цветки появляются как на ветках, так и на стволе. Диаметр ароматных зелено-желтых цветков — 4,5 см.
- Плоды. Максимальный размер плода — 35 см в длину, 15 см в ширину, вес — 7 кг. Недозрелые плоды имеют темно-зеленую кожуру, которая со временем приобретает желтоватый оттенок и покрывается колючками. Плод имеет экзотический и непривычный для нас вид, фото сметанного яблока достаточно просто найти в интернете. Кремово-белая мякоть — достаточно плотная, но визуально напоминает вату. Вкус — комбинированный, ярко выражается привкус лимона, ананаса и земляники. Несмотря на питательность и полезность мякоти, каждый плод содержит ядовитые семена, окрашенные в черный цвет.
- Сбор урожая. Чтобы избежать повреждения плодов при падении с дерева, их собирают на стадии, когда цвет уже поменялся на желтый, но кожура еще не смягчилась. Наибольшие объемы урожая приходятся на промежуток с июня по сентябрь.
- Условия хранения. После сбора урожая в течение 3-4 дней плод дозревает, для хранения в течение 1 недели его помещают в холодильник. При других условиях саусеп быстро портится. В силу малых сроков хранения и нежности плода сметанное яблоко не экспортируется в другие страны.
Precautions and Certain Things to Keep in Mind
Low Blood Pressure
Soursop potentially can interfere with high blood pressure or diabetes drugs. The fruit’s components can amplify the effects of such medications, resulting in severe decreases in blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Parkinson’s Disease
Several studies have found the chemical in soursop in those with Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, patients with this neurological disease should avoid soursop since it might aggravate their symptoms.
Pregnant Women
Pregnant women should avoid using soursop as it stimulates uterine contractions. It might lead to premature birth or miscarriage.
Toxic Seeds
You should also avoid consuming soursop seeds. They contain hazardous substances that can have negative consequences. So before consuming the fruit, make sure to remove them.
Soursop is a fruit used in alternative medicine around the world. Recent studies have focused on its use in humans, and properties that suggest it might help to treat or prevent cancer.
The research evidence for these health benefits is limited, but soursop does show promise in treating certain health conditions. It’s generally considered safe to eat or use as an extract, but there are cautions for certain people, including those with high blood pressure and diabetes.
As with any supplements or other alternative medicine options, speak to your healthcare provider about soursop before using it.
Tips for Consuming Guanabana
Guanabana is popular in certain areas such as South America and the Caribbean, where it’s commonly enjoyed in recipes like ice cream, jams, jellies, and candies. Soursop can also be enjoyed as a juice and added to beverages like shakes and smoothies. It has a creamy texture and sweet flavor that’s often described as a mix of apple, strawberry, and citrus.
The seeds of the soursop fruit are toxic, so care must be taken when preparing the fruit. Here’s how to prepare raw soursop:
- Choose a soursop with yellowish-green skin that’s soft to the touch, which indicates that it’s ripe and ready to eat
- Wash the soursop under running water to remove any dirt. Then, using a knife, peel the skin off of the flesh
- Cut the fruit in half lengthwise, then scoop out the seeds
- Enjoy the fruit raw or use it to make juice, ice cream, sorbet, or smoothies
Depending on where you live, you may be able to purchase guanabana from specialty stores or at farmer’s markets. You can also purchase soursop online.
Why do people think soursop is illegal?
It’s a common belief that soursop is illegal, but it’s untrue. This rumor likely came out because the FDA has issued warnings about the safety of soursop, has stated that certain products containing soursop pulp pose a “public health concern,” and has even warned that some sellers might be using false or unfounded claims to convince people to buy soursop.
There have also been some studies about the risks of soursop.
According to City of Hope, a cancer treatment organization, some research has found that soursop can lead to symptoms like that of Parkinson’s disease: rigid muscles, issues with gait and balance, slow movement, and more. The organization also notes that a study found that tea made with soursop leaves can cause neurotoxicity, damaging the nervous system.
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Additionally, Eats Wise notes that the soursop tree is invasive, and can harm native plants and animals in certain areas.
Soursop Traditional Uses:
The leaf juice is used to treat internal parasites, cystitis, kidney disorders, indigestion, hypertension, diabetics, headaches and sleeplessness. Externally, the leaf paste is applied for treating rheumatic pain and neurologic problems and it is also used for treating abscess.
The leaves are also added to bath water to cure skin diseases. The leaf paste is applied on wounds as a poultice for reducing inflammation and pain. The leaf decoction is also used as a feminine wash in some parts of the world and is also widely used for treating fever.
The flesh of the fruit is used for treating rheumatism, arthritic pain, heart diseases, liver diseases, diarrhoea, malaria, parasites, skin rashes, worms, increasing breast milk and for treating catarrh.
Seeds and roots are used as an anthelmintic for treating both external and internal worms and parasites. The water extract is used to control larvae and aphids. The bark of the tree is used as a tonic and the roots are used as an antispasmodic and for treating parasites. The flowers are used for treating cough. In India, the plant is used in ayurvedic medicine for treating high blood pressure, as a tonic, abortifacient and for treating fever.
Nutritional properties of soursop leaves
Soursop leaves are dark green, shiny, large, and oval-elliptical in shape. Like other leaves, it has a water content of more than 60%. The rest of the solids are made up of proteins, insoluble cellulose fiber, hemicellulose, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and copper.
The magazine Interciencia reports the difference between fresh and dried soursop leaves. While the former contain 65% water, the dry ones barely reach 10%. This makes its nutrients more concentrated.
Proteins in the dried leaves are almost 15% and in the fresh ones 6%. Drying the leaves increases the proportion of minerals to 7% and fat to 3%.
Bioactive components of soursop leaves
Beyond their nutritional contribution, some phytochemical compounds stand out that are related to their medicinal benefits. Such is the case of flavonoids, polyphenols, essential oils, and acetogenins.
Flavonoids and polyphenols have been found in a good proportion in soursop leaves, which increases their antioxidant properties. On the other hand, acetogenins are the bioactives to which their major biological and healing activity is attributed. They are derived from some fatty acids and the best known are anonaine, muricatocin, xylopin, bulatacin, antimycin and trilobacin. They represent the most potent phytochemicals in the leaf.
How to Cook and Eat Soursop
Because of its sweet flavor and creamy texture (much like that of a banana), soursop is most often used in sweet recipes rather than savory. These include beverages, smoothies, and even ice cream.
Don’t know where to start? Try this Soursop Punch recipe from recipe creator jaci who says, “One of my favorite beverages when I was a little girl was made with the soursop fruit. You can use either white or brown sugar for this punch.”
If you want to eat it raw, it’s best to simply cut your soursop in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon (you’ll have to work around the seeds or spit them out as you go). Because of its stringy texture, soursop is going to be difficult to cut up into cubes, hence the need to scoop it out with a spoon.
How to make soursop juice
You can use frozen soursop pulp to make the juice. Simply blend the pulp with all the ingredients, taste test and adjust the flavors before serving cold.
Here I am making soursop juice from a ripe soursop fruit.
Extract the flesh
Ripe soursops have a strong, fragrant smell, yellow green skin and are very soft to the touch when pressed slightly. If your soursop is not ripe, it will be firmer and its skin will be bright green. Place the fruit in a brown paper bag or wrap it with newspaper and leave for a few days to ripen.
Step 1: Once ripe, cut the fruit in half. Remove the spongey center of the fruit and discard.
Step 2: Peel or pull off the skin and place the flesh in a large bowl.
Step 3: Squeeze the pulp to pop the seeds out. There are lots of seeds in the soursop pulp and they do contain a possible neurotoxin called annonacin. So it is important to remove all the seeds (but nothing will happen to you if you miss one or two seeds).
Blend with all ingredients
Step 4: With all the seeds removed, add the soursop pulp to a blender with the condensed milk, vanilla essence, nutmeg and water. Add any other optional ingredients that you like at this point.
Step 5: Blend everything together. Taste test the juice – adjust by adding more sweetener, spices or dilute further with water.
Step 6: Chill in the fridge and be sure to serve cold.
Where to buy soursop juice
You can buy soursop juice on Amazon. Oh and soursop pulp is also available for purchase. I like this brand the most: Nilo 100% real soursop juice drink with pulp.
How to consume
Soursop can be consumed as tea (recipe above), or in its natural state. This fruit can also be used in other recipes for juices, mousses and ice cream.
Also recommended: 25 High Fiber Fruit (& How Much You Should Eat)
To make soursop juice, place place 1 cup of soursop pulp (diced and without seeds), 500 mL of water and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar (or sweetener) in a blender. Blend until well-combined, then serve.
Another way to consume soursop is through capsule supplements. Dosing varies between manufacturers, although the general recommended dose is 2 capsules per day, 30 minutes before meals. Soursop can cause some side effects, therefore it is important to take it as directed a doctor or medicinal plant specialist.
Risks of Soursop
Though soursop is nutritious, the acetogenin compounds found in the fruit may be harmful. Acetogenins have anticancer properties, but these compounds can be toxic in large quantities.
Some studies have found that consuming soursop over long periods of time may increase the risk of atypical parkinsonism, a group of neurological conditions similar to Parkinson’s disease. The regular consumption of soursop and other acetogenin-containing fruit is thought to be a contributing factor to the high rate of atypical parkinsonism in the French Caribbean islands.
In addition, regularly consuming soursop and other acetogenin-containing fruits may worsen the severity of any form of degenerative parkinsonism, including Parkinson’s disease.
Though more research is needed to understand how consuming soursop affects neurological health, it’s best to consume soursop and soursop products sparingly. Check with a healthcare provider before consuming soursop if you have a neurological condition, like Parkinson’s disease.
What are the different ways to order soursop fruit online?
Soursop fruit, also known as Graviola, is a beloved tropical fruit with a unique flavor that’s commonly eaten fresh or used in drinks and desserts. If you’re a fan of this delightful fruit, you may be wondering how to order soursop fruit online. In this article, we’ll explore some of the different ways to buy soursop fruit online and give you tips for getting the best quality fruit possible.
Online Grocery Stores
One of the most popular ways to order soursop fruit online is through online grocery stores like Amazon, Walmart, and FreshDirect. These stores offer a range of soursop fruit products, including fresh soursop fruit, canned soursop pulp, and soursop juice. Some stores even offer frozen soursop fruit or soursop leaves for tea.
When ordering soursop fruit from an online grocery store, look for fruit that’s organically grown and has a good reputation for quality. Be sure to read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the fruit’s taste and freshness.
Specialty Fruit Stores
If you’re looking for soursop fruit that’s fresh and in-season, consider ordering from a specialty fruit store. These stores often source their fruit directly from small farmers and offer a wider variety of soursop fruit products than traditional online grocery stores.
To find a specialty fruit store, try searching online for “soursop fruit” or “Graviola fruit.” You may also be able to find local stores that sell soursop fruit by searching for “tropical fruit markets” or “imported fruit stores.”
When ordering soursop fruit from a specialty store, be sure to check their shipping policies and read reviews from other customers to ensure the highest quality fruit.
Direct from Farmers
Buying soursop fruit directly from farmers is perhaps the freshest way to get your hands on this delicious fruit. Many small farmers now sell their soursop fruit online, either through their own websites or through online marketplaces like Etsy or Gourmet Food Store.
To find soursop fruit farmers, you can look up tropical fruit growers in your area and contact them directly, or check online directories like Farm Fresh To You or Local Harvest. When buying soursop fruit from farmers, be sure to ask about their growing practices and shipping policies to ensure you’re getting the best quality fruit possible.
No matter how you choose to order soursop fruit online, be sure to do your research and read reviews from other customers before making a purchase. Soursop fruit can vary in quality depending on where and how it’s grown, so take the time to find the best source possible for your taste buds. Happy soursop fruit eating!
Can I order soursop fruit internationally, or are there any restrictions on importing it to certain countries?
Soursop is a tropical fruit that is known for its unique flavor and numerous health benefits. It is also known as Graviola, Guanabana, and Cherimoya. If you are a gardener or fruit enthusiast interested in growing or ordering this fruit from other countries, you may be wondering whether you can import soursop fruit internationally and if there are restrictions on doing so.
In general, soursop fruit can be imported internationally, but there may be restrictions or regulations on importing it to certain countries. For example, the United States FDA regulates the import of all fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, and soursop is not an exception. All imported fruits and vegetables are subject to FDA inspection at the port of entry to ensure they meet U.S. food safety requirements. The USDA also regulates the import of plants and plant products, and soursop falls under this category.
If you are planning to import soursop fruit, it is important to check the regulations in your country and the country you are importing from. Some countries may require phytosanitary certificates, which certify that the plants or plant products are free from pests and diseases. This is important to prevent the spread of plant diseases and pests that can have devastating effects on crops and the environment.
Another factor to consider is the quality of the fruit you are importing. Soursop fruit is highly perishable, and quality can deteriorate rapidly during shipping. Therefore, it is best to source the fruit from a reliable supplier who can ensure the fruit is of high quality and has undergone proper packaging and transportation.
If you are interested in growing soursop fruit in your garden, it is important to consider the climate and growing conditions necessary for the fruit to thrive. Soursop is a tropical fruit that grows best in warm, humid conditions. It requires full sun and well-draining soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. The tree also requires regular watering and fertilization.
In conclusion, while soursop fruit can be imported internationally, it is important to check the regulations and requirements in your country and the country you are importing from. It is also important to source the fruit from a reliable supplier and to consider the growing conditions necessary for the fruit to thrive if you plan on growing it yourself. With proper preparation and care, soursop can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your garden or plate.
Nutrition Facts of Soursop
ImageSource: blog.mass.gov
As per the mentioned statistics and numbers at United States Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Research Services food database, soursop, otherwise known as graviola is loaded with amazing constituents and composition which is what makes it an ideal natural remedy for the treatment of a number of health ailments.
If a bowl of soursop soup is made and eaten, this is the nutritional value that you are going to consume:
Constituent | Nutritional quantity |
Water | 81.16 gm |
Energy | 79 Calories |
Protein | 0.79 gm |
Fat | 0.00 gm |
Carbohydrate | 14.17 |
Dietary Fibers | 0.8 g |
Sugars | 11.81 gm |
Calcium | 0 gm |
Iron | 0.57 mg |
Magnesium | 21 mg |
Copper | 0.086 mg |
Vitamin C | 18.9 g |
Chart source:
Soursop juice ingredients
For this recipe, I used:
- soursop
- condensed milk: is used to sweeten the juice. You can also use granulated sugar or your choice of sweetener.
- vanilla essence: which adds to the delightful taste of the juice. Other mild essences like almond can also be used.
- nutmeg: gives the juice an even more unique Caribbean taste. You can also add in cinnamon or ginger.
- water: needed to dilute the juice, otherwise it will be too thick.
To make soursop juice without milk, swap the condensed milk with sugar. And consider adding some coconut milk to the drink. A little lime juice also adds a nice citrusy element to the soursop and compliments the juice.