Starbucks mocha frappuccino recipe


Like I mentioned above, we add Frappuccino base to all frappuccinos at Starbucks. You won’t be able to buy it. This Frappuccino Base is added to bind the coffee, milk, and ice together, creating a smooth consistency and keeping it from separating. The good news is that xanthan gum does just that. It is a harmless food additive that is used in many foods, cosmetics, medicines, etc. If you’d like to find out more about xanthan gum, please check out this article:  What Is Xanthan Gum? Is It Healthy?

Xanthan gum can be found at Walmart (baking aisle) and many other big supermarkets. Of course, you can find it on Amazon. I recommend Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Xanthan Gum. The price may seem a bit high, but when you compare the price and the amount used (¼ tsp. per drink) to the price of a Starbucks Frappuccino, you’ll realize that’s not the case. It’ll cost you about two Caramel Frappuccinos to buy xanthan gum, but you’ll be able to make over 100 of them with only one package. With that said, you may still skip this ingredient, but you’ll end up with a very lumpy frappuccino.

Now that we’ve discussed all of the ingredients, it’s finally time to make your own Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino, or CRF.

Миссия компании

На сегодняшний день кофейню Старбакс можно встретить в 67 странах, а общее количество точек уже превышает 22 тысячи. Общая численность персонала сети — 140 тыс. человек.

Старбакс продает натуральный кофе, напитки на основе эспрессо, различные горячие и холодные напитки, сендвичи, кофейные зерна, чай, а также аксессуары для приготовления и сервировки кофе.

Но CEO компании Говард Шульц говорит не о кофе.

Это одна из миссий компании – предоставлять комфортное место для отдыха. Самое удивительное, что атмосфера кофейни и ее меню могут отличаться в зависимости от страны или даже города, в котором она находится:

  • В меню американских Старбакс может не оказаться карамельного фраппучино
  • В Гонконге можно купить свежевыжатый гуавовый сок в фирменных бутылочках
  • В канадском меню отсутствует карамельный сироп
  • В Вене посетители снимают обувь и залезают с ногами на диваны
  • В Германии в меню есть блинчики
  • Дубайский Старбакс – настоящий лаундж-кафе, где можно полностью расслабиться в шикарных кожаных креслах
  • В Нью-Йорке можно оказаться в кафе с абсолютно деловой атмосферой, где каждый работает за своим ноутбуком
  • В Японии кофейни Старбакс можно найти прямо в книжных магазинах

Несмотря на общие атрибуты – Wi-Fi, зеленые фартуки, столик со специями, каждый Старбакс – маленький, по-своему уютный мир любителей хорошего кофе.

Сегодня мы поговорим о необычных позициях в меню, которые можно попробовать только в определенных странах мира. Поехали!

История фраппучино

Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino

Courtesy of Starbucks

The Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino was one Frap that didn’t get the most ringing endorsement from our tasters. By and large, we found it lacking in overall flavor.

“That just tastes like bad vanilla ice cream. Meh,” one taster said. Others said the drink didn’t have enough flavor and that this Frap “tastes like if you just put vanilla into water and mixed it up.”

If you’re not sure what to order as the line is inching forward, we think you should steer clear of the Vanilla Bean Frap. If you’re looking for a better option within the vanilla-flavored realm, the Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino is a better bet.

Frappuccino Ingredients

A Starbucks Frappuccino is made by blending coffee or espresso with milk and ice. Additional ingredients are then added for flavor and texture.

Base Ingredients

  • Coffee or espresso – Freshly brewed coffee or espresso provides the signature coffee flavor in a Frappuccino.
  • Milk – Whole milk or nonfat milk is used to give Frappuccinos a creamy texture.
  • Ice – Crushed ice makes the drink thick and icy cold.
  • Sugar – A Frappuccino contains around 50 grams of sugar from added syrups and toppings.

Flavored Syrups

Frappuccinos are customized with different flavored syrups, including:

  • Mocha syrup – Chocolate flavor
  • Caramel syrup – Sweet, buttery caramel flavor
  • Vanilla syrup – Rich, vanilla flavor
  • Cinnamon Dolce syrup – Sweet cinnamon spice flavor
  • Peppermint syrup – Refreshing minty flavor

Sauces & Toppings

Frappuccinos are finished off with sauces drizzled inside the cup and whipped cream topped on top:

  • Mocha sauce – Chocolate sauce for mocha flavors
  • Caramel sauce – Buttery, sweet caramel
  • Mocha drizzle – Chocolate drizzle on top
  • Whipped cream – Sweet whipped cream topping

Yes, Starbucks Frappuccinos contain caffeine.

Starbucks Frappuccinos, including their various flavors and variations, do contain caffeine. The amount of caffeine can vary depending on the size and flavor of the Frappuccino. The base of Frappuccinos is coffee, which naturally contains caffeine. Therefore, it’s safe to say that when you order a Starbucks Frappe, you’ll be consuming caffeine.

1. What is a Frappuccino?

A Frappuccino is a blended coffee-based or cream-based beverage, often served cold. It typically consists of coffee or a coffee-flavored base blended with ice, flavored syrups, milk, and topped with whipped cream.

2. How much caffeine does a Starbucks Frappuccino have?

The caffeine content in a Starbucks Frappuccino can vary based on the size and flavor. Typically, a Tall (12 oz) Frappuccino contains around 65 mg of caffeine, a Grande (16 oz) contains about 95 mg, and a Venti (24 oz) contains approximately 130 mg of caffeine.

3. Are all Frappuccino flavors caffeinated?

$1 Frappuccino vs Starbucks$1 Frappuccino vs Starbucks

Yes, since the base of a Frappuccino is coffee, all flavors will contain caffeine. However, the amount of caffeine may vary slightly based on the ingredients and additional coffee flavorings used.

4. Can I request a decaffeinated Frappuccino?

While Starbucks doesn’t offer decaffeinated Frappuccinos as a standard menu item, you can request a decaf version. However, keep in mind that the flavor options for decaffeinated Frappuccinos might be limited.

5. Are there any Frappuccino options that are caffeine-free?

If you’re looking for a caffeine-free option, Starbucks offers a variety of creamy, fruit-based Frappuccinos that do not contain coffee or caffeine. These include flavors like Vanilla Bean, Strawberries and Crème, and Double Chocolaty Chip Crème.

6. Can I customize the caffeine content in my Frappuccino?

Yes, you can customize the caffeine content by adjusting the amount of coffee used in the base or opting for decaf shots.

7. Does the type of milk affect the caffeine content?

The type of milk used in your Frappuccino does not affect the caffeine content, as it primarily depends on the coffee base.

8. Are there any alternatives for caffeine-sensitive individuals?

Starbucks offers a selection of caffeine-free drinks, including herbal teas, hot chocolate, and fruit-based refreshers that provide delicious alternatives for those who are sensitive to caffeine.

9. Can I consume Frappuccinos if I’m avoiding caffeine?

If you’re avoiding caffeine altogether, it’s best to opt for the caffeine-free Frappuccino options available or explore other non-caffeinated beverages offered by Starbucks.

10. Is caffeine consumption safe?

Moderate caffeine consumption is generally considered safe for most individuals. However, it’s important to be mindful of your overall caffeine intake and consider any individual sensitivities or health conditions you might have.

11. How does caffeine affect the body?

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, providing a temporary energy boost, increased alertness, and improved focus. However, excessive consumption or sensitivity to caffeine can lead to side effects like jitters, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping.

12. Can I substitute other ingredients for coffee?

If you prefer to avoid coffee altogether, you can substitute it with alternatives like decaffeinated coffee, matcha, or herbal tea to create your customized Frappuccino at Starbucks. Just keep in mind that the taste and texture may differ from the traditional Frappuccinos.

Decaf Starbucks Frappuccinos

What if you want a coffee-flavored frappuccino without much caffeine.

You’re in luck. Starbucks can customize any coffee frappuccino into a decaf frappuccino. As a matter of fact, there are lots of ways to get decaf at Starbucks including decaf iced coffee options.

To make a decaf frappuccino, the barista leaves out the coffee frappuccino syrup and adds in decaf espresso shots.

The only thing is, a decaf frappuccino may be slightly thinner than a regular frappuccino.

How to Order a Decaf Frappuccino with the App: Under “Espresso & Shot Options” select decaf. And under “Blended Options” change the number of pumps of Frappuccino Roast to zero.

How many shots of coffee in Starbucks?

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The caffeine amounts of the espresso-based drinks show that a Tall Latte (and Cappuccino) has just a single shot of coffee.

For a 12 oz cup size – this is quite weak and has considerably less caffeine than a brewed coffee of the same size.

Many coffee vendors generally serve a double shot in drinks over 8 ounces. Most provide double-shots by default in regular takeaway cups. Takeaway cups have more volume than their china or crockery counterparts.

Remember: Just because a cup is bigger doesn’t mean it has more caffeine. Caffeine is dependent on the number of espresso shots (regardless of extra water and milk).

Overall, Starbucks does a great job of publishing caffeine information.

Фраппучино с карамелью как в Starbucks

Бодрящий, освежающий, ароматный. Готовим фраппучино как в Starbucks, закидываем ногу на ногу и наслаждаемся!


  • Лед — 400 г
  • Холодный кофе — 150 г
  • Молоко — 150 г
  • Сахар — по вкусу
  • Карамель — 2 ст. л. + для подачи
  • Сливки 33% — для подачи

Для карамели:

  • Коричневый сахар — 100 г
  • Сливки 33% — 70 г
  • Соль — по вкусу

Приготовление фраппучино:

  1. Для карамели растапливаем сахар.
  2. Вмешиваем теплые сливки и соль.
  3. Взбиваем охлажденные сливки для подачи.
  4. Кофе, молоко, сахар, карамель (2 ст. л.) и лед помещаем в блендер.
  5. Взбиваем.
  6. Наливаем напиток в бокал.
  7. Украшаем взбитыми сливками и карамелью.
Фраппучино с карамелью как в Starbucks [Cheers! | Напитки]Фраппучино с карамелью как в Starbucks [Cheers! | Напитки]


Основные разновидности

С 2002 г. «Старбакс» каждую весну выпускает новый вид фраппучино, подбирая вкусы под цвета, которые появляются на подиумах. А знатоки и постоянные клиенты кофейни знают, как получить особый, секретный коктейль (например, вдохновленный новым «Джокером»).

Разнообразие вкусов обусловлено использованием топпингов, сиропов и прочих добавок, с которыми готовят десерт. Однако основных видов фраппучино (помимо классического), пользующихся большим спросом у покупателей, 3.


Готовится на обезжиренном молоке и заменителе сливок с минимальным процентом жирности, что снижает калорийность напитка на 54%, содержание жиров — на 15%, а углеводов — на 52%.

Легкий кофе с обезжиренным молоком.


Готовится без кофе, на кремовой основе, которая состоит из сахара, уплотнителей, ароматизаторов и других ингредиентов. Это десерт в чистом виде — напоминает пудинг из-за того, что молоко вспенивается специальным капучинатором.

Также можно выделить еще 2 вида холодного коктейля:

  1. Вегетарианский — для его приготовления молочные продукты заменяют растительными аналогами.
  2. Тазобери — вместо эспрессо в качестве основы используют чай Тазо. Также в коктейль добавляют соки и фруктовые топпинги.

Фраппучино на кремовой основе.

How to make a Frappuccino at home

I want to give you my personal favorite and well-tested recipe. Let me say first that there are about a billion out there, so play around with flavors and toppings!


  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup cold coffee
  • 2 cups ice
  • 1/3 cup sweetener

Directions: Blend ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Consider adding whipped cream and/or switching out the milk preference.

Does a Frappuccino have to be refrigerated?

If you want to wait a while to finish your freshly made Frappuccino, or a Starbucks Frappuccino, then you to need to refrigerate it to prevent it from becoming warm or tasting off. Starbucks also recommends refrigerating a bottled Frappuccino product after opening it for the same reasons.

How long does a Frappuccino last in the fridge?

The amount of time depends in part on personal taste. Typically, a Frappuccino lasts up to 24 hours. That said, you might not enjoy the taste of one kept in the fridge after only a few hours. Ingredients also separate over time. With a bottled Frappuccino, go by the “best by” date on the bottle and use the product within 24 hours of opening it.

Can a Frappuccino be hot?

By definition, a Frappuccino is a cold drink. Hot coffee drinks have other names, such as hot Americanos, brewed coffees, cappuccinos, espresso shots, flat whites, lattes and mochas. Of course, you can heat all of the blended ingredients in a Frappuccino and drink the resulting beverage. It is entirely up to you. The taste does change as a result of the heating process.

White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino

Source: Instagram

This fan-favorite, the white chocolate mocha frappuccino, is the perfect blend of chocolate and coffee elevated by the smooth and savory flavors of white chocolate. The White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino is white chocolate roasted coffee, milk, and ice that comes together to kiss the heavens and elevate your day. Topped with whipped cream, this frappe at Starbucks blends tradition with the innovative, propelling even the most skeptical white chocolate consumer to addiction. The savory-sweet flavor of white chocolate and mocha stands at the peak of the frappe selection and is always a welcomed addition to any morning commute, especially if you like it served hot.

Фраппучино как в Старбаксе

К вашему вниманию — 3 рецепта фраппучино как в старбаксе. Каждый из этих трех коктейлей можно готовить как с использованием кофе, так и без него.

В традиционном виде кофе в эти три коктейля не добавляется:

  • Ванильное мороженое — 2 шарика;
  • Холодный двойной эспрессо — 100 мл;
  • Лед — 1/2 стакана;
  • Молоко — 3/4 стакана;
  • Коричневый сахар — 1/2 чайной ложки;
  • Малиновый сироп — 2 столовые ложки;
  • Взбитые сливки.

Ванильное мороженое, лед, кофе, молоко и сахар взбиваем в блендере. Добавляем малиновый сироп и взбиваем еще раз. Переливаем в стакан и сверху красиво заливаем взбитыми сливками.

  • Ванильное мороженое — 2 шарика;
  • Холодный двойной эспрессо — 100 мл;
  • Лед — 1/2 стакана;
  • Молоко — 3/4 стакана;
  • Коричневый сахар — 1/2 чайной ложки;
  • Шоколадный сироп — 3 столовые ложки;
  • Шоколадная стружка — 1 столовая ложка;
  • Взбитые сливки.

Ванильное мороженое, лед, кофе, молоко и сахар взбиваем в блендере. Добавляем шоколадный сироп и шоколадную стружку. Еще раз взбиваем. Переливаем фраппучино в стакан, заливаем взбитыми сливками и посыпаем коктейль сверху шоколадной стружкой.

  • Ванильное мороженое — 2 шарика;
  • Холодный двойной эспрессо — 100 мл;
  • Лед — 1/2 стакана;
  • Молоко — 3/4 стакана;
  • Коричневый сахар — 1/2 чайной ложки;
  • Сахарный сироп с корицей — 2 столовые ложки;
  • Коричные подушечки (сinnamon toast crunch cereal) — 1/4 стакана;
  • Взбитые сливки.

Ванильное мороженое, лед, кофе, молоко и сахар взбиваем в блендере. Добавляем сироп и коричные подушечки, после чего взбиваем коктейль в блендере. Выливаем коктейль в стакан, поливаем взбитыми сливками и посыпаем коричными подушечками.

Стоимость 1 порции фраппучино

В сети Страбакс фирменный фраппучино стоит от 200 рублей. Стоимость варьируется в зависимости от рецепта.

В других кофейнях фраппучино может подаваться под другими названиями, с другими ингредиентами или пропорциями, так как классический рецепт и название «фраппучино» являются собственностью Старбакса.

Tips on Making Copycat Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino

It’s so easy to make this iced coffee frappuccino. You can make it in just 10 minutes or less. Since it’s such a simple coffee recipe, there are a lot of ways you can customize this tasty vanilla frappe. We listed some helpful tips below which you can try to fully enjoy and experience Starbucks at home:

Choose the right coffee. Starbucks has their own coffee specifically for frappuccinos, and it’s called Frappuccino Roast which you can purchase in powder form. But, for a more homemade frappe experience, you can also use espresso or double-strength coffee as a substitute. We personally recommend one or two shots of espresso. It has that delicious smoky and subtle caramel flavor which tastes best when blended into an iced cold drink. 

Use whole milk for a thicker and creamier drink. Whole milk is what Starbucks baristas use for their coffee-based frappuccinos, but you can also use other dairy or non-dairy substitutes like soy milk. Just remember that the milk affects the consistency of the drink so the more fat the milk has, the creamier the frappuccino will be. 

Avoid using vanilla extract. Vanilla syrup is the way to go! It’s a light sweetened syrup mixed with sugar and water. It’s less concentrated and bitter than vanilla extract. That’s why it’s better to use the syrup instead to get a sweet flavored coffee mix. Or, you can also use vanilla bean powder as a substitute. It’s what Starbucks uses for their Frappuccinos to give it a nice and slightly stronger vanilla flavor.

Get creative with your toppings. The best part about this homemade Starbucks vanilla frappuccino recipe is that you can use toppings of your choice. Try making your own homemade whipped cream using a handheld milk frother to achieve that classic vanilla frappe appearance. You can also try drizzling in flavored syrups like caramel, chocolate, or mocha. Lastly, cookie crumbles or coconut flakes also make it extra delicious.

How To Make Copycat Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino


Recreate the famous Starbucks vanilla frappuccino with this simple copycat recipe. Just blend cold coffee with ice, vanilla syrup, cold milk, and white sugar for a creamy and frothy iced cold drink which tastes just like Starbucks!

Want to share your experience making this copycat Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino recipe or discuss your own favorite Frappuccino flavors? Join the conversation in the Recipe Sharing forum!

Hot vs. Iced Version

Starbucks serves both a hot and an iced version of the Caramel Frappuccino. The hot version contains similar ingredients, including espresso, steamed milk, caramel syrup, and whipped cream.

Some key differences between the hot and iced versions:

  • The hot version does not contain coffee extract or frappuccino base, while the iced version does.
  • The hot version uses steamed milk instead of milk blended with ice.
  • The hot version is topped with caramel drizzle while the iced version has caramel syrup blended throughout.

Both versions deliver on the sweet, creamy, caramel flavor, just in different forms based on temperature preference.

How to pronounce ‘Frappuccino’

Let’s start from the beginning, as in the actual pronunciation of the word. Looking at it, I always imagined it being like frozen cappuccino. But, as I found out, Fro-puccino isn’t exactly right.

Here it is: Frap – uhh – CHEE – no.

It doesn’t seem that bad. A lot of people say Frap – o – ccino. Now you can politely correct them!

Oh, and a somewhat fun fact: This is not technically a word in the English language, so don’t feel too bad if it’s hard to pronounce. If you check Webster’s dictionary or even, the word is not listed.

See? No sign of the frappuccino. ( Bean Poet)

Turns out, it really is a combination of two words, as I thought before. Well, sort of. See below.

frappé + cappuccino

We’ll get back to the difference between these three things and why that is the etymology of the drink at hand. Please stay with us.

How Much Caffeine is in a Starbucks Frappuccino?

Again, there are two main types of Starbucks Frappuccino beverages: Coffee Frappuccino and Crème Frappuccino.

Most Starbucks Coffee Frappuccinos contain between 65 and 125 mg of caffeine. Meanwhile, most Creme Frappuccinos contain no caffeine at all. Some Creme Frappuccino flavors that contain tea or chocolate may have 5 to 40 mg of caffeine, depending on size.

Caffeine Content of Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino

Drink Name Caffeine Content of a Tall (12 fl oz) Caffeine Content of a Grande (16 fl oz) Caffeine Content of a Venti (24 fl oz)
Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino 70 mg 100 mg 135 mg
Apple Crisp Oatmilk Frappuccino 70 mg 100 mg 135 mg
Caramel Brulée Frappuccino 60 mg 90 mg 125 mg
Chestnut Praline Frappuccino 65 mg 95 mg 125 mg
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino 65 mg 95 mg 130 mg
Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Frappuccino 70 mg 105 mg 140 mg
Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino 65 mg 95 mg 125 mg
Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino 60 mg 85 mg 115 mg
Espresso Frappuccino 125 mg 155 mg 185 mg
Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino 65 mg 95 mg 125 mg
Caramel Frappuccino 60 mg 90 mg 120 mg
Coffee Frappuccino 65 mg 95 mg 125 mg
Mocha Frappuccino 70 mg 100 mg  130 mg
Java Chip Frappuccino 75 mg  105 mg  145 mg
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino 65 mg  95 mg  125 mg 
Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino 75 mg  110 mg  140 mg 
Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino 70 mg 100 mg 130 mg

Courtesy of Starbucks on Instagram

Caffeine Content of Starbucks Creme Frappuccino

Drink Name Caffeine Content of a Tall (12 fl oz) Caffeine Content of a Grande (16 fl oz) Caffeine Content of a Venti (24 fl oz)
Pumpkin Spice Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Apple Crisp Oatmilk Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Peppermint White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Caramel Brulée Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Chestnut Praline Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Toasted White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crème Frappuccino 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg
Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Strawberry Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Chai Crème Frappuccino 20 mg 40 mg 40 mg
Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg
Matcha Crème Frappuccino 50 mg 70 mg 95 mg
Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg
Peppermint Mocha Crème Frappuccino 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg

Классика из Starbucks

How to make Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino at home – Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino Copycat Recipe

Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino Copycat Recipe

Kai Jordan


  • Prepare your homemade Frappuccino base syrup. Put the homemade Frappuccino base syrup, instant coffee, milk, and espresso into your blender.
  • Blend the homemade Frappuccino base syrup, instant coffee, milk, espresso, and ice until the ice is evenly blended.
  • Blend at a low speed and gradually increase as the ice cubes reduce in size.
  • Serve the Frappuccino, and enjoy!


  • You can use simple syrup instead of homemade Frappuccino base syrup. The downside of doing this is that you will not get the same smooth texture.

Use the blender tamper tool to move the ice around for a quicker and even blend.

If you are on a vegan diet, replace whole milk with plant-based milk.

If you are on a low-fat diet, replace whole milk with non-fat milk.

Informative Section

How do you order a Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino?

If you crave a Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino, visit a Starbucks store and ask the barista to prepare a coffee Frappuccino syrup with milk, brewed espresso, coffee, and ice. Specify the serving size you want-tall, grande or venti.

Is the Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino good 

Yes, the Starbucks Espresso Frappuccino is a good drink. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine. Also, a standard drink serving has low fat and cholesterol.

The only unhealthy thing about this drink is its high sugar content. A standard serving of the Frappuccino contains 42 grams of sugar, which is above the daily sugar intake requirement of 36 grams and 24 grams for men and women, respectively.

However, you can order the tall serving of the drink because it contains a moderate amount of sugar. A tall serving contains 28 grams of sugar, slightly above the sugar intake requirement for women by 4 grams and below the limit for men by 8 grams.

So, What Is a Starbucks Frappuccino?

The Starbucks Frappuccino is a line of blended iced coffee drinks. It consists of a coffee or ​​crème base that the barista blends with ice and other ingredients. You can also get bottled versions at grocery stores, gas stations, and other locations, but you’ll have to BYO whipped cream.

The name (a portmanteau of cappuccino and frappe) comes from Boston’s The Coffee Connection. The coffee chain bought the brand, “along with one of their products called “frappuccino,” a cold, slushy drink made using a soft-serve machine.”

In 1999, Starbucks followed up the Coffee and Mocha launches with the Caramel Frappuccino. It was the first to feature whipped cream and is still, for obvious reasons, a menu favorite.

Как сделать фраппучино дома

Сделать фраппучино в домашних условиях не так уж и сложно, нужно всего лишь приобрести все необходимые ингредиенты в магазине. Там также понадобится стационарный блендер для измельчения и взбивания всех ингредиентов.

Вместо эспрессо можно использовать кофе, приготовленный в джезве, френч-прессе или гейзерной кофеварке. Все остальные ингредиенты будут такими же, как в базовом рецепте.

Ингредиенты и пропорции для фраппучино могут быть различными. Для приготовления базового, классического рецепта фраппучино потребуется:

  1. Двойная порция эспрессо – 100 мл.
  2. Молоко низкой жирности – 1,5-2% – 100 мл.
  3. Сахар – 1 чайная ложка. Его можно не класть, если вы не любите чересчур сладкие вкусы.
  4. Сироп по вкусу и наличию – 1 столовая ложка. Базовым считаются карамельный и шоколадный сироп.
  5. Лед – 2-3 крупных кубика.
  6. Взбитые сливки – 1 столовая ложка.

Как готовить?

  • Сварить 2 порции эспрессо и сильно остудить. Кофе должен быть холодным. Желательно, чтобы он остывал при комнатной температуре.
  • В чашу блендера влить кофе, молоко, сахар, сироп.
  • Смешать все ингредиенты с помощью насадки для взбивания.
  • Добавить лед и на больших оборотах взбить смесь.
  • Должна образоваться пенная шапка, а лед превратится в крошку.
  • Все, вместе с ледяной крошкой, вылить в бокал.
  • Выложить на поверхность взбитые сливки.
  • Дополнительно можно украсить напиток посыпкой, молотыми орехами, шоколадом, корицей.

Изменяя ингредиенты, можно экспериментировать с рецептом. Повышая жирность молока, можно еще больше смягчить букет. Соединив несколько сиропов, легко получить новый оттенок вкуса.

Кофе фраппучиноКофе фраппучино


How much caffeine is in a Starbucks Frappuccino?

‘The amount of caffeine in a Starbucks Frappuccino varies quite widely depending on what kind it is, and which of Starbucks’ sizes you choose. For the standard coffee version, the caffeine is:

  • Tall: 64 mg
  • Grande: 95 mg
  • Venti: 120 mg

A Mocha Frappuccino has the highest caffeine content (110 mg for a grande, while a Red Velvet Cake Creme Frappuccino has the least (15 mg).

Are Frappuccinos sweet?

Frappuccinos are usually sweet because of the addition of flavorings. However, the plain coffee version is usually the least sweet and will have fewer calories than many of the others.

Do Frappuccinos taste like coffee?

Most Frappuccinos have at least a slight coffee taste because they are made with coffee, with additional flavors added. The exceptions, at Starbucks, would be the Green Tea Creme Frappuccino and the Chai Creme Frappuccino. These are made with tea, not coffee, but they still have caffeine.

What are Frappuccino chips?

Many customers believe that Starbucks Frappuccino chips are chocolate chips. Starbucks doesn’t use that term for good reason. The Frappuccino chips, sometimes called java chips, aren’t entirely made of chocolate. They contain a proprietary blend of other ingredients beyond cocoa and other chocolate-related ones. For example, Frappuccino chips can contain cookie crumbs made with wheat.

Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino

Courtesy of Starbucks

Between the two vanilla Frappuccinos offered on the Starbucks regular menu, it’s this one that takes the cake. Though some tasters did find this option a bit plain, others were surprised at how much they enjoyed the drink.

“This one doesn’t really taste like anything. The only flavor really coming from here is from the whipped cream,” one editor said.

One taster, though, called this Frappuccino a “dark horse” in the mix, and another said, “I really like this. The vanilla doesn’t overpower like the others do. It’s refreshing enough that I could honestly drink the whole thing.”

It seems that the other tasters didn’t like the plainness of just vanilla in general, not specifically this Frappuccino. If we were to give a note, we’d say to order this one without whipped cream. Our tasters didn’t think it needed that added level of sweetness.

9 Creme Starbucks Frappuccino Flavors

Want the brew without the buzz? These nine frappuccinos at Starbucks are almost or completely caffeine-free, perfect if you plan to enjoy a Starbucks frappuccino later in the day ().

You’ll recognize a few familiar faves that are offered in coffee and creme versions.

11. Chocolate Cookie Crumble Creme Frappuccino

Image credit: Starbucks

Enjoy all of the mocha chocolate goodness with close to no caffeine. This chocolate cookie crumble frappuccino lives up to its name with tons of chocolate cookie crumble bits that pair wonderfully with vanilla-flavored whipped cream.

12. Strawberry Creme Frappuccino

The Starbucks strawberry frappuccino has a refreshing fruitiness to spruce up your afternoon, a nice change from all the chocolate, vanilla, and caramel alternatives. Strawberry puree and vanilla whipped cream never tasted sweeter. Unless you make it yourself with our DIY Strawberry creme frappuccino.

13. Chai Creme Frappuccino

Why choose between coffee or tea when you can have tea in your coffee? The chai frappuccino is the best of both. It’s a great balance of spicy and sweet with the iconic chai blend, sweet and fluffy whipped cream, and a generous cinnamon topping.

14. Double Chocolaty Chip Creme Frappuccino

This is the pick for serious chocolate fans. If the other mocha frappuccinos didn’t have enough chocolate for your liking, the double chocolatey chip has everything they have as well as actual chocolate chips. 

15. Matcha Creme Frappuccino

For those wondering if there’s such a thing as enjoying a matcha tea latte but in frappuccino form, the Starbucks matcha frappuccino should be next on your bucket list. 

16. Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino

Does anybody not love coffee ice cream? Similar to caffè vanilla, the Starbucks vanilla bean frappuccino is vibrantly vanilla-flavored. If you’re looking for more of a hot ice cream-sundae vibe, ask for an affogato-style shot poured on top. It’s not hot fudge, but doesn’t fresh espresso sound just as good for your morning brew?

17. White Chocolate Creme Frappuccino

Smooth and creamy, this is an ultra-sweet option thanks to the rich white chocolate syrup. It’s low in caffeine but still adds an impressive pep to your step.

18. Pistachio Creme Frappuccino

Image credit: Starbucks

The Pistachio Creme Frappuccino is just like the original pistachio without the coffee. I love this version because it really lets the pistachio flavor shine. It’s a wonderful sweet and nutty option.

19. Caramel Ribbon Crunch Creme Frappuccino

Another old favorite is back in coffee-less form. The sweet brew is caramel through and through, with caramel syrup, a caramel drizzle, and a caramel crunch topping. If ever a dessert was masquerading as a drink, this is it.


1. Prepare the coffee roast, by mixing the instant coffee with 2 tbsp. of water.

2. Prepare the frappuccino base by mixing the xanthan gum with 1 tbsp. of water. (It’s okay to have lumps. They’ll disappear once blended.)

3. Place the coffee roast, xanthan gum mixture, ice, milk, and chocolate sauce into a blender. Blend on low speed for a few seconds, then on a max speed for about 10 seconds, or until the frappuccino is smooth.

4. Pour into cups and top with whipped cream. You can even drizzle some chocolate sauce on top of the whipped cream, although at Starbucks, we don’t do that. Enjoy!

More Tasty Starbucks Recipes:

  • Green Tea Frappuccino
  • Caramel Frappuccino
  • Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato

Why do I share Starbucks recipes? Read my Starbucks Journey.

Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Recipe

Tania Sheff

Bittersweet coffee, mixed with smooth chocolate, and blended with milk and ice to frozen perfection… That’s right, you can make your favorite Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino at home! 

4.59 from 31 votes

Prep Time 7 minutes mins

Total Time 7 minutes mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Servings 2 servings

Calories 302 kcal



  • Prepare the coffee roast, by mixing the instant coffee with 2 tbsp. of water.
  • Prepare the frappuccino base by mixing the xanthan gum with 1 tbsp. of water. (It’s okay to have lumps. They’ll disappear once blended.)
  • Place the coffee roast, xanthan gum mixture, ice, milk, and chocolate sauce into a blender. Blend on low speed for a few seconds, then on a max speed for about 10 seconds, or until the frappuccino is smooth.
  • Pour into cups and top with whipped cream. You can even drizzle some chocolate sauce on top of the whipped cream, although at Starbucks, we don’t do that. Enjoy!


Calories: 302kcalCarbohydrates: 47gProtein: 7gFat: 9gSaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 12mgSodium: 275mgPotassium: 588mgFiber: 2gSugar: 26gVitamin A: 200IUCalcium: 176mgIron: 1.1mg

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